首页 Exodus Exodus_Chapter 36

Exodus_Chapter 36

Bezalel and Aholiab, as well as all those who have wisdom in their hearts, have been given…

Bezalel and Aholiab, as well as all those who have wisdom in their hearts, have been given wisdom and understanding by the Lord, so that they may know how to do all the work of the sanctuary, as the Lord has commanded them to do.

Moses summoned all those who were given wisdom in their hearts by the Lord and were inspired to come and do this work, along with Bezaleel and Aholiab.

These people received gifts from Moses that the Israelites had brought for the work of the sanctuary and its use. The people still bring their willingly offered gifts every morning.

Every wise man who does all the work of the sanctuary departs from his work,

Come and say to Moses, The people have brought more than enough wealth for the work that the Lord commanded them to use.

Moses commanded, and they proclaimed throughout the entire camp, saying, No man or woman shall bring any more gift for the sanctuary. This is how we stopped the people from bringing gifts anymore.

Because all of their materials are sufficient for everything to be done, and there is more than enough.

Among them, all who have wisdom in their hearts to work, make ten curtains for the tabernacle. This curtain was made of fine twisted linen and blue, purple, and crimson thread by Bezalel, with cherubim embroidered by skilled craftsman.

Each curtain is twenty-eight cubits long and four cubits wide, all of the same size.

He connected these five curtains one by one, and the other five curtains one by one,

Make blue buttons on the edge of the end curtain that is connected, and do the same on the edge of the end curtain that is connected,

Make fifty buttons on this connected curtain, and fifty buttons on that connected curtain, all facing each other in pairs,

Make fifty golden hooks to connect the curtains. This has become a tent.

He wove eleven curtains of goat hair as the tent above the tabernacle.

Each curtain is thirty cubits long and four cubits wide, with eleven curtains of the same size.

He connected five curtains into one, and six curtains into one,

Make fifty buttons on the edge of the end curtain that is connected, and fifty buttons on the edge of the end curtain that is connected,

Make fifty copper hooks to connect the tent into one,

And use dyed ram skin as the cover for the tent, and then make a layer of sea dog skin as the top cover for the tent.

He used soapwood as the vertical board for the tent.

Each piece is ten cubits long and one and a half cubits wide,

Each piece has two tenons facing each other. All the boards of the tabernacle are made in this way.

Twenty boards were made on the south side of the tent.

Make forty silver sockets with mortise and tenon joints under these twenty boards, with two mortises connecting the two tenons on one board and two mortises connecting the two tenons on another board.

On the second side of the tabernacle, which is the north side, twenty boards were also made

And forty silver bases with sockets, two sockets under this board, and two sockets under that board.

At the back of the tabernacle, on the west side, he made six boards.

Make two boards at the corners behind the tent.

The lower half of the board is double, and the upper half is whole, until the first ring, which is done at both corners of the tent.

There are eight boards and sixteen silver bases with sockets, with two sockets under each board.

He made five bars for this side of the tabernacle, using soapwood as the bars,

Make five bars for the panel on the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the panel on the back of the tabernacle,

Connect the middle latch between the waist of the board from one end to the other.

Wrap the board with gold, and make a gold ring to cover the latch on the board, with the latch also wrapped in gold.

He wove the curtain with blue, purple, and vermilion thread, and finely twisted linen, and embroidered cherubim with skilled craftsmanship.

He made four pillars of acacia wood for the curtain, wrapped them in gold, and had gold hooks on them. He also cast four silver bases with sockets for the pillars.

Take blue, purple, and vermilion thread, and finely twisted linen, and weave the door curtain of the tent by hand with embroidery,

And he made five pillars and hooks for the curtain, and wrapped the tops of the pillars and the hooks on the pillars with gold. The pillar has five sockets made of copper.


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