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Exodus_Chapter 39

Bezalel made exquisite garments of blue, purple, and crimson thread to serve in the sanctu…

Bezalel made exquisite garments of blue, purple, and crimson thread to serve in the sanctuary, and also made holy garments for Aaron, as the Lord commanded Moses.

He made the ephod with gold thread, blue, purple, and vermilion thread, and finely twisted linen,

Hammer the gold into thin pieces, cut out threads, and embroider them with blue, purple, and vermilion threads using skilled craftsmanship.

Make two connected shoulder straps for the ephod, connecting them to the two ends of the ephod.

The skillfully woven strap on it was made in the same way as the ephod, and it was tied together with the ephod. It was made of gold thread, blue, purple, and vermilion thread, and finely twisted linen, as the Lord commanded Moses.

He carved two pieces of red agate and set them in a golden groove, as if carving a book, according to the name of the son of Israel,

And he put these two precious stones on the two shoulder straps of the ephod, as a memorial stone for the children of Israel, as the Lord commanded Moses.

He made the breastplate with the hands of a skilled craftsman, using the same method as the ephod, using gold thread and blue, purple, and vermilion thread, as well as finely twisted linen.

The chest badge is square and stacked into two layers. These two layers are one tiger long and one tiger wide,

It is adorned with four rows of gemstones, the first row being ruby, red tourmaline, and ruby,

The second line is emerald, sapphire, and diamond,

The third line is purple agate, white agate, amethyst,

The fourth line is water green jade, red agate, and jasper. This is all embedded in a golden groove.

These gemstones are engraved according to the names of the twelve sons of Israel, as if they were a book or the names of the twelve tribes.

On the breastplate, twisted a chain of pure gold like a rope.

Make two gold grooves and two gold rings, and place them on both ends of the breastplate.

Thread the two twisted gold chains through the rings on both ends of the chest badge,

Connect the two ends of the chain to the two slots and place them on the shoulder straps in front of the ephod.

Make two golden rings and place them on the two ends of the breastplate, on the inner edge of the ephod,

Make two gold rings and place them under the two shoulder straps in front of the ephod, close to the junction, above the skillfully woven straps of the ephod.

Tie the rings of the breastplate and the rings of the ephod with a thin blue strap, so that the breastplate is attached to the skillfully woven strap of the ephod and cannot be separated from the ephod, as the Lord commanded Moses.

He used weaving to make the outer robe of the ephod, which was all blue in color.

Leave a collar on the robe, and weave a collar edge around it, like the collar of armor, to prevent it from breaking.

On the hem of the robe, make pomegranates with blue, purple, and vermilion thread, and finely twisted linen,

And he made bells of pure gold and nailed them to the pomegranates around the hem of the robe,

A bell, a pomegranate, a bell, a pomegranate, were placed around the hem of the robe to serve, as the Lord commanded Moses.

He made robes for Aaron and his sons using finely woven linen cloth,

And he made a crown of fine linen and a splendid headscarf, and pants of twisted fine linen,

And he used blue, purple, and crimson thread, and finely twisted linen, to work the waistband with embroidered hands, as the Lord commanded Moses.

He made the plaque on the holy crown of pure gold, and engraved it on it according to the method of carving a book, saying ‘Holy to the Lord’.

And he tied a blue ribbon to the crown, as the Lord commanded Moses.

The tabernacle, which is the tabernacle of the congregation, was completed in this way. The Israelites did all that the Lord commanded Moses.

They brought the tabernacle and all its utensils, including hooks, boards, bars, pillars, and sockets, to Moses,

The cover of dyed ram skin, the top cover of seal skin, and the curtain of the covering cabinet,

The ark of the law and its bars, and the grace seat,

The table and all its utensils, as well as the display cakes,

The pure gold lampstand and the arranged lamps, along with all the utensils of the lampstand and the oil for lighting,

The golden altar, the anointing oil, the fragrant spices, the curtains of the entrance to the tabernacle of the congregation,

The bronze altar and its bronze mesh, its poles and all its utensils, the washbasin and its base,

The curtains and pillars of the courtyard, their sockets, the door curtains, ropes, stakes, and all the utensils used in the tabernacle and the tabernacle of the congregation,

The ceremonial attire for refined work, and the holy garments used by Aaron the priest and his sons in the sanctuary for priesthood.

All this work was done by the Israelites as the Lord commanded Moses.

They did as the Lord commanded them. Moses saw that all the work had been done and blessed them.




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