首页 Exodus Exodus_Chapter 30

Exodus_Chapter 30

You need to make an altar of soapwood for burning incense. This altar must be square, one …

You need to make an altar of soapwood for burning incense.

This altar must be square, one cubit long, one cubit wide, and two cubits high. The four corners of the altar must be connected to it.

Wrap the top and sides of the altar, as well as the four corners of the altar, with pure gold, and set gold crowns on all sides of the altar.

Make two golden rings and place them below the edges of the teeth, on both sides of the altar, with two crossbars for the purpose of threading the poles, so that the altar can be lifted.

Make poles of soapwood and wrap them with gold.

Place the altar outside the curtain in front of the ark of the testimony, facing the mercy seat on the ark of the testimony, where I will meet with you.

Aaron shall burn incense made of fragrant spices on the altar, and every morning when he tidies up the lamps, he shall burn this incense.

When he lights the lamp at dusk, he will burn this incense before the Lord as a burning incense for generations to come.

No strange incense shall be offered on this altar, no burnt or grain offerings shall be offered, and no drink offerings shall be poured over it.

Aaron performs the atonement ceremony at the corner of the altar once a year. He uses the blood of the sin offering to perform the act of atonement on the altar once a year, as a tradition for generations to come. This altar is most holy before the Lord.

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

You shall calculate the total number of the Israelites according to their number, and when you number them, each of them shall offer a ransom for their own lives to the Lord, so that there shall be no calamity among them.

Anyone who goes over to those who are numbered shall receive half a shekel of silver according to the shekel of the sanctuary. This half a shekel is a gift to the Lord, and one shekel is twenty gerahs.

Anyone who goes over and belongs to those who are numbered, from twenty years old and above, shall present this gift to the Lord.

They offer gifts to the Lord as redemption for their lives. The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less. Each person shall give half a shekel.

You shall receive this atonement silver from the Israelites for the use of the tabernacle of meeting, as a memorial for the Israelites before the Lord, to redeem their lives.

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

You need to use copper as a washing basin and base for washing. Place the basin between the tent of meeting and the altar, and fill it with water.

Aaron and his son are to wash their hands and feet in this basin.

When they enter the tabernacle of the congregation, or when they come near the altar to offer an offering made by fire to the Lord, they shall wash themselves with water, so as not to die.

They wash their hands and feet to avoid death. This will be an eternal ordinance for Aaron and his descendants for generations to come.

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

Take the finest spices, which are five hundred shekels of liquid myrrh, half of fragrant cinnamon, which are two hundred and fifty shekels, and two hundred and fifty shekels of calamus,

Five hundred shekels of cinnamon, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and one hin of olive oil,

Mix and make holy ointment according to the method of making incense.

To anoint the tabernacle of the congregation and the ark of the testimony with this ointment,

The table and all its utensils, the lampstand and its utensils, and the altar of incense,

The altar of burnt offering, all its utensils, the washbasin, and its base.

To make these things holy, so that they may become most holy, and everything that touches them shall become holy.

Anoint Aaron and his sons so that they may become holy and serve me as priests.

You must say to the Israelites, ‘This oil will be holy anointing oil for generations to come.’.

Do not pour on others, nor do you do anything similar to this in this way of reconciliation. This ointment is holy, and you must also consider it holy.

Anyone who blends something similar or applies this ointment to someone else shall be cut off from the people.

The Lord commanded Moses, ‘Take the fragrant spices of Nathaphrodite, Ashiriel, and Hirebina. The fragrant spices and pure frankincense must be of equal weight.’.

You need to add salt to these and make a pure and holy fragrance according to the method of making incense.

Take some of this incense and pound it very finely, and place it in front of the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting, where I will meet with you. You shall regard this incense as the most holy.

You shall not make incense for yourself according to this blending method; you shall make it holy to the Lord.

Anyone who makes incense like this one in order to smell the fragrance must be cut off from the people.


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