
Deuteronomy_Chapter 16

Pay attention to the month of Abib and observe the Passover to the Lord your God, because the Lord your God led you out of Egypt by night in the month of Abib.

You shall offer the sacrifice of the Passover to the Lord your God from among the flocks and herds in the dwelling place chosen by the Lord to be his name.

You shall not eat any fermented bread from this sacrifice. Within seven days, you must eat unleavened bread, which is the bread of hardship. I will make you remember the day you came out of Egypt for the rest of your life.

Within your four borders, there shall be no yeast for seven days, and no meat offered in the evening of the first day shall be left until morning.

You shall not offer a Passover offering in all the cities that the Lord your God has given you.

Only offer the sacrifice of the Passover at the place chosen by the Lord your God to be his name, at sunset in the evening, when you leave Egypt.

When the meat is roasted and cooked in the place chosen by the Lord your God, return to your tent the next morning.

You shall eat unleavened bread for six days, and on the seventh day you shall hold a solemn assembly with the Lord your God, and shall not work.

You need to calculate seven days, starting from the time you start to sickle and harvest the crops, for a total of seven days.

You shall offer a freewill offering in your hand before the Lord your God, according to the blessing that the Lord your God has given you, and observe the Feast of 77.

You, your children, your maidservants and maidservants, and the Levites living in your city, as well as the orphans and widows living among you, shall rejoice in the place chosen by the Lord your God to be his name.

Remember also that you were a servant in Egypt. You must observe and follow these laws.

After collecting the grain from the threshing ground and the wine from the winepress, you must hold the Shed Festival for seven days.

During the festival, you and your children, your servants and maidservants, and the Levites living in your city, as well as the sojourners, orphans and widows, shall rejoice.

In the place chosen by the Lord, observe a festival to the Lord your God for seven days. Because the Lord your God will bless you in all your land and in all the work you do in your hands, and you will be very joyful.

All your males shall appear before the Lord your God three times a year at the place chosen by him, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Seven or Seven, and the Feast of Tabernacle; but they shall not appear empty handed.

Everyone should offer gifts according to their own strength, according to the blessing that the Lord your God has given.

You shall appoint judges and officials according to your tribes in all the cities that the Lord your God has given you. They will judge the people with just judgment.

Integrity cannot be compromised. Do not judge a person’s appearance. You cannot accept bribes either. Because bribery can blind the eyes of the wise and reverse the words of the righteous.

Pursue the utmost righteousness and righteousness, so that you may live and inherit the land that the Lord your God has given you.

Build an altar to the Lord your God, and do not plant any trees as wooden poles beside it.

You cannot set up pillars for yourself. This is what the Lord your God hates.

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