
Deuteronomy_Chapter 9

Listen, O Israel. Today you will cross the Jordan River, go in and drive out a nation stronger than you, and obtain vast and strong cities that are towering above the sky.

That people are from the Anak tribe, big and tall, as you know. I have also heard someone pointing at them, saying, Who can stand before the Anakites?

Know today that the Lord your God has passed before you like a blazing fire, to destroy them and subdue them before you. So you will drive them out as the Lord has said, causing them to perish quickly.

After the Lord your God has driven out these nations from before you, do not say in your heart that the Lord brought me into this land because of my righteousness. Actually, the Lord drove them out from before you because of their evil.

You did not go in to possess their land because of your righteousness, nor because of your uprightness in heart, but because of the evil of these nations. The Lord your God drove them out from before you, and because the Lord will strengthen the word he swore to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Know that the Lord your God did not give you this beautiful land as an inheritance because of your righteousness. You are a stiff necked people.

Remember not how you provoked the Lord your God to anger in the wilderness. From the day you left the land of Egypt until you came to this place, you constantly rebelled against the Lord.

You have provoked the Lord to anger again on Mount Horeb. He is angry with you and wants to destroy you.

I have gone up the mountain to receive two stone tablets, which are the tablets of the covenant between the Lord and you. At that time, I lived on the mountain for forty days and nights without eating or drinking water.

The Lord gave me those two stone tablets, which God wrote with his fingers. What is written on the tablet is all that the Lord said to you on the mountain from the fire on the day of the assembly.

After forty days and forty nights, the Lord gave me the two stone tablets, which are the covenant tablets.

Tell me, get up and hurry down. Because the people you brought out of Egypt have already corrupted themselves. They quickly deviated from the way I commanded them and cast themselves into idols.

And the Lord said to me, I see this people as a stiff necked people.

Let me alone, I will destroy them and blot out their names from under heaven, so that your descendants may become a greater and stronger nation than them.

So I turned around and went down the mountain, where the fire was burning and two tablets of the covenant were in my hands.

As soon as I see that you have offended the Lord your God, have cast calves, and have quickly deviated from the way that the Lord has commanded you,

I threw those two plates from my hand and smashed them in front of you.

Because of all the sins you have committed, and because you have done evil in the eyes of the Lord, causing him to be angry, I have fallen before the Lord forty days and forty nights without eating or drinking.

I was greatly afraid because the Lord was very angry with you and wanted to destroy you. But the Lord agreed to me again that time.

The Lord was also very angry with Aaron, wanting to destroy him. At that time, I prayed for Aaron again.

I will burn the calf that you cast for your sins with fire, and crush it to a fine powder, even as fine as dust. Then I will scatter this dust in the streams that flow down from the mountain.

You have provoked the Lord to anger again in Taberah, Massah, and Kibolohatava.

The Lord sent you away from Kadesh Barnea, saying, Go up and take the land that I have given you. At that time, you rebelled against the commands of the Lord your God, did not believe in him, and did not obey his words.

Since I became acquainted with you, you have always rebelled against the Lord.

I will bow down before the Lord for forty days and forty nights, because the Lord has said he will destroy you.

I pray to the Lord, saying, O Lord GOD, do not destroy your people. They are your inheritance, which you redeemed with great power and brought out of Egypt with great power.

Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, do not dwell on the stubbornness, wickedness, and sin of this people,

Lest the people of the land where you brought us out say, Because the Lord cannot bring this people into the land he promised, and because he hates them, he will bring them out to kill them in the wilderness.

In fact, they are your people, your inheritance is brought out by your great power and outstretched arm.

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