
Deuteronomy_Chapter 8

All the commandments I command you today, you must keep and do them, so that you may live and increase in number, and go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore to your ancestors.

Remember also that the Lord your God has guided you in the wilderness for forty years, to torment and test you, to know what is in your heart, whether you are willing to keep his commandments or not.

He tormented you, allowing you to hunger, and gave you manna that you and your ancestors did not know to eat, so that you may know that life is not solely based on food, but on all the words that come out of the mouth of the Lord.

In these forty years, your clothes have not worn out, and your feet have not swollen.

Think in your heart, and the Lord your God will discipline you, just as a man will discipline his son.

Keep the commandments of the Lord your God, walk in his ways, and fear him.

For the Lord your God has led you into a beautiful land, where there are rivers, springs, and streams flowing out of valleys.

That land has wheat, barley, grape trees, fig trees, pomegranate trees, olive trees, and honey.

You don’t lack food there, you don’t lack anything. The stones in that area are iron, and copper can be excavated in the mountains.

When you are satisfied with your food, praise the Lord your God for giving you that beautiful land.

Be careful not to forget the Lord your God and not keep his commandments, judgments, and laws, which I have commanded you today.

I’m afraid you’ll have enough to eat and build a beautiful house to live in,

Your cattle and sheep will increase, your gold and silver will increase, and all of your possessions will increase,

You will be proud and forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of the house of slavery in Egypt,

Lead you through that vast and terrifying wilderness, where there are fiery snakes and scorpions, a dry and waterless land. He once made water flow out of a hard rock for you,

And he gave you manna, which your ancestors did not know, to eat in the wilderness, to torment and test you, so that you may have a good life in the end.

I’m afraid you said in your heart that this wealth was obtained through my strength and ability.

Remember the Lord your God, for he has given you the power to obtain wealth, to strengthen the covenant he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

If you forget the Lord your God, follow other gods, serve and worship, you will surely perish. This is what I am warning you today.

Just as the Lord has caused the destruction of the peoples before you, so you will also perish, because you have not obeyed the word of the Lord your God.

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