
Deuteronomy_Chapter 14

You are the children of the Lord your God. Do not cut the body of a dead person with a knife, nor shave off the forehead.

Because you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you as his own people from all the people on the earth.

No detestable thing shall be eaten.

The edible livestock are cows, sheep, and goats,

Deer, antelope, roe deer, wild goat, elk, yellow sheep, blue sheep.

You can eat any animal that splits its hooves into two and chews them upside down.

But those who chew or split their hooves but cannot eat are camels, rabbits, and shamans, and because they chew without splitting their hooves, they are unclean to you.

Pigs are unclean to you because they have split hooves but do not chew. You shall not eat the flesh of these beasts, nor touch the dead.

These are the things that can be eaten in the water, anything with wings and scales can be eaten.

Anything without wings or scales must not be eaten, as it is unclean for you.

You may eat any clean bird.

What cannot be eaten are eagles, dog headed eagles, and red headed eagles,

鹯, little eagle, hawk and its kind,

Crows and their kind,

Ostrich, Night Eagle, Osprey, Eagle and its kind,

Owl, owl, horned owl,

Pelicans, bald eagles, cormorants,

Stork, egret and its kind, wearing spear and bat.

Anything that crawls with wings is unclean to you and must not be eaten.

You may eat any clean bird.

You shall not eat anything that dies on your own; you may give it to the sojourners in your city to eat, or sell it to outsiders to eat, because you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Do not cook goat lambs with the milk of the mother goat.

You shall take one tenth of the annual yield of your field, which is what you sow.

And you shall eat a tenth of your grain, new wine, and oil, as well as the firstborn of your flocks and herds, before the Lord your God, the dwelling place that he has chosen to establish his name. In this way, you can learn to constantly fear the Lord your God.

When the Lord your God blesses you, if the place where the Lord your God has chosen to establish his name is too far from you and the road is too long for you to take this thing there,

You can exchange it for silver, wrap it up, hold it in your hand, and go to the place that the Lord your God will choose.

You can use this silver to buy whatever you want, whether it’s cattle or sheep, or sake or strong liquor. You can buy whatever you want. You and your family eat, drink, and be happy before the Lord your God.

Do not abandon the Levite who lives in your city, because he has no share or inheritance among you.

At the end of every three years, you must take out one tenth of the current year’s harvest and store it in your city.

The Levites who have no division or inheritance in your city, the sojourners in your city, the orphans and widows, may come and eat to their fullest. So the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do in your hands.

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