首页 Deuteronomy Deuteronomy_Chapter 23

Deuteronomy_Chapter 23

No one who has an external kidney injury or has been castrated shall enter the assembly of…

No one who has an external kidney injury or has been castrated shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

The illegitimate child shall not enter the assembly of the Lord. His descendants shall not enter the assembly of the Lord until the tenth generation.

Ammonites or Moabites are not allowed to enter the assembly of the Lord. Their descendants, even though they have passed ten generations, will never enter the assembly of the Lord.

Because when you came out of Egypt, they did not bring food and water to meet you on the way, and because they hired Balaam the son of Beer, a Pedodite from Mesopotamia, to curse you.

However, the Lord your God refused to listen to Balaam, but turned that cursed word into a blessing, because the Lord your God loved you.

You can never seek their peace and their interests throughout your life.

Do not despise an Edomite, for he is your brother. Do not despise the Egyptians, for you have been a sojourner in their land.

Their third generation descendants can enter the assembly of the Lord.

If you send troops to attack your enemy, you must avoid all evil.

If any of you accidentally dream and become unclean at night, you must go out of the camp and not enter.

In the evening, he needs to take a shower with water and can only enter the camp after sunset.

You should also designate a place outside the camp as a place to rest.

Prepare a shovel in your equipment, use it to shovel soil and turn around to cover it up after you go out of camp to defecate.

Because the Lord your God is always walking in your camp to rescue you and deliver your enemies to you, therefore your camp should be holy, so that he may not see any filth with you and leave you.

If a servant escapes from his master’s hand and comes to you, you shall not deliver him to his master.

He will live with you, and in your cities, he will choose a place he enjoys to live. You must not bully him.

There shall be no prostitutes among the women of Israel. There shall be no child molestation among the men of Israel.

You shall not bring into the house of the Lord your God the money obtained by prostitutes or the price obtained by dogs to fulfill a vow, for both are detested by the Lord your God.

You shall not take any profit from anything you lend to your brothers, whether it be money or food.

Lending to foreigners is profitable, but lending to your brothers is not profitable. So the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are going to possess and in everything you do in your hands.

Make a vow to the Lord your God and repay it without delay. For the Lord your God will pursue you, and if you do not repay, you will be guilty.

If you don’t make a wish, you are not guilty.

What comes out of your mouth is what you promised willingly to offer, and you must keep and do it according to your vow to the Lord your God.

You can eat the grapes freely when you enter your neighbor’s vineyard, but you cannot put them in containers.

You can pick ears with your hands when you enter the neighbor’s standing grain, but you cannot use a sickle to cut the grain.


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