首页 Deuteronomy Deuteronomy_Chapter 18

Deuteronomy_Chapter 18

The priests and the entire tribe of Levi will have no division or inheritance in Israel. W…

The priests and the entire tribe of Levi will have no division or inheritance in Israel. What they eat is the offering made by fire to the Lord and all their offerings.

They will have no inheritance among their brothers. The Lord is their inheritance, just as the Lord promised them.

This is the portion that a priest should receive from the people: whoever offers an ox or sheep as a sacrifice shall give the priest the front legs, cheeks, and spleen and stomach.

Give him the first harvest of grain, new wine, and oil, as well as the first cut of wool.

For the Lord your God has chosen him from all your tribes to serve him and his descendants forever in the name of the Lord.

If a Levite sojourns in any city in Israel and comes out from there with all his heart willing to go to the place chosen by the Lord,

And he shall serve in the name of the Lord his God, just as his brothers the Levites stood before the Lord and served.

In addition to the proceeds from selling his grandfather’s estate, he also needs to receive a portion of the sacrifice to eat with them.

When you come to the land that the Lord your God has given you, do not learn to do the detestable things that the nations have done.

No one among you shall cause your children to pass through the fire, nor shall there be anyone who divines, observes signs, uses magic, or practices sorcery,

Those who use witchcraft, engage in ghostly activities, practice witchcraft, and go through the underworld.

All those who do these things are detested by the Lord. Because these nations have committed this detestable act, the Lord your God has driven them out from before you.

You shall be blameless before the Lord your God.

For all the nations you will drive out believe in those who observe signs and divination, and as for you, the Lord your God has never allowed you to do so.

The Lord your God will raise up a prophet for you from among your brothers, like me, and you will obey him.

Just as you asked the Lord your God for all his words on the day of the assembly in Horeb, saying, “Please no longer let me hear the voice of the Lord my God, nor let me see this great fire, so that I may not die.”.

And the Lord said to me, What they have said is true.

I will raise up a prophet like you among their brothers. I want to pass on what I said to him. He will pass on all my commands to them.

I will punish anyone who does not listen to what he says in my name.

If a prophet dares to speak in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or speak in the name of another god, then the prophet shall be put to death.

If you say in your heart, ‘How can we know what the Lord has not commanded?’?

If a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord and his words are not fulfilled, they will not be fulfilled. This is what the Lord has not commanded, but the prophet spoke without authorization. Do not be afraid of him.


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