
Deuteronomy_Chapter 32

O heavens, turn your ear, I will speak. May the earth also listen to the words in my mouth.

My lesson will rain profusely. My words will drip like dew, like fine rain on tender grass, like showers on vegetables.

I will proclaim the name of the Lord. You shall attribute great virtue to our God.

He is a rock, his actions are complete, his actions are all fair, he is an honest and sincere God. Righteous and upright.

This perverted and crooked generation has acted wickedly towards him. If this disease exists, it is not his children.

O foolish and ignorant people, are you repaying the Lord like this? Isn’t he your father who bought you? He made you and built you.

You should reminisce about the ancient days and miss the years of history. Ask your father, he will show you. Ask your elder, he will tell you.

The Most High gave the land to the nations, separated the people, and established the borders of all nations according to the number of the Israelites.

The portion of the Lord is his people. His estate was originally Jacob.

When the Lord found him in the wilderness, in a desolate land where wild beasts roared, he surrounded him, looked after him, and protected him, as he protected the apple of his eye.

Like an eagle stirring its nest, spreading its wings above its chicks, picking them up and carrying them on its back.

So the Lord alone guided him, and there was no foreign god with him.

The Lord has made him ride on the high places of the earth and eat the crops of the fields. And make him suck honey from the rock, and suck oil from the hard rock.

I also eat the cream of cows, the milk of sheep, the fat of lambs, the rams and goats of Bashan, and the finest wheat, and drink wine made from grape juice.

But Jeshulun gradually became obese, robust, and smooth, kicking and running. He abandoned his God who made him and looked down upon the rock that saved him.

Worshiping other gods, stirring up their anger, doing detestable things, and provoking their anger.

The ghosts and demons worshipped are not true gods, but unfamiliar gods that have emerged recently and are not feared by your ancestors

You neglect the rock that gave birth to you and forget the God who gave birth to you.

When the Lord saw his children stirring him up, he despised them,

Say, I will hide my face from them and see how their outcome will be. They were originally an extremely eccentric tribe, with no honest children in their hearts.

They stirred up my anger with those who were not considered gods, and provoked my anger with the meaningless gods. I will also stir up their anger with those who are not my people, and provoke their anger with foolish people.

Because in my anger, a fire burns up to the depths of the underworld, burning up the earth and all its produce, and the foundations of the mountains are also burned.

I will heap calamity on them and shoot my arrows at them.

They will be emaciated by hunger and devoured by heat, bitterness, and poison. I will send wild beasts to bite them with their teeth, and those who walk in the soil will use poison to harm them.

There are swords on the outside, and terror in the inner chambers, causing people to perish, and destroying young men, young girls, suckling, and those with white hair.

I said, I will scatter them far away, and destroy their name from among the people.

I fear that my enemies may provoke me, but I fear that they may mistake me and say, ‘It is the power of our hands, not the work of the Lord.’.

Because the people of Israel have no plan and no understanding in their hearts.

May they be wise, able to understand this matter, and willing to remember their end.

If it weren’t for their rock selling them, if it weren’t for the Lord giving them up, how could one person pursue a thousand of them, and two people make ten thousand people flee?

According to our enemies themselves, their rock is not as good as ours.

Their vine is the vine of Sodom, which grows in the fields of Gomorrah. Their grapes are poisonous grapes, all hanging are bitter.

Their wine is the venom of a great snake, the venom of cobras.

Isn’t this all stored up with me, locked in my treasury?

When they stumbled, the retribution lies with me. Because their disaster days are approaching. Those who will come upon them will come quickly.

When the Lord sees that his people are powerless, and that there is nothing left, whether trapped or free, he will avenge them and repent for his servants.

He will say, Their God, the rock in which they take refuge,

Where are those who have always eaten the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offerings? He can rise up to help you and protect you.

Now you must know that I am God alone. There is no other god besides me. I make people die, I make people live. I am injured, I heal, and no one can save me from my hands.

I raise my hand to heaven and say, I swear by my eternal life,

If I sharpen my shining sword and wield the power of judgment, I will seek revenge against my enemies and repay those who hate me.

I will make my arrows drunk with blood, the blood of those who are killed and taken captive. My sword will eat flesh, it is the head of the enemy’s leader.

Let the Gentiles rejoice with the people of the Lord. For he will avenge the bloodshed of his servants, repay his enemies, purify his land, and redeem his people.

Moses and Joshua son of Nun went and told the people all the words of this song.

After Moses had finished speaking all these words to all the Israelites,

And he said, Take what I have warned you today to heart. Command your descendants to observe and do the words of this law.

Because this is not void, it is not related to you, but your life. Because of this, your days will be long in the land where you will cross the Jordan River as an inheritance.

On that day, the Lord commanded Moses, saying,

Go up to Mount Nebo in the mountains of Abarim, facing Jericho in the land of Moab, and see the land of Canaan that I will give to the Israelites as an inheritance.

You will die on the mountain where you climbed, and return to your people, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and returned to his ancestors.

Because you did not sanctify me among the Israelites at the waters of Meribah in Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin, and have sinned against me.

You may view the land I have given to the Israelites from a distance, but you will not enter.

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