首页 Deuteronomy Deuteronomy_Chapter 33

Deuteronomy_Chapter 33

The following are the blessings that Moses, the man of God, blessed the Israelites before …

The following are the blessings that Moses, the man of God, blessed the Israelites before his death,

He said, The Lord came from Sinai, appeared to them from Seir, shone brightly from Mount Balaam, came from among all the saints, and spread the law of blazing fire for the people from his right hand.

He loves the people. All the saints are in his hands. They sat at his feet, receiving his words.

Moses passed on the law to us as an inheritance of the Jacob community.

When the leaders of the people and the tribes of Israel gathered together, the Lord reigned in Jeshulun.

May flow and live, not to death. May others not be scarce.

Bless Judah and say, May the Lord hear Judah’s voice and lead him back to his people. He once fought for himself with his hands, and you will help him attack the enemy.

Regarding Levi, he said, O Lord, your Tuming and Urim are with your devout people. You tested him at Massa and argued with him at the waters of Meribah.

He said of his parents, I have never seen it. He also does not recognize his brothers, nor does he know his own children. This is because the Levites followed your words and kept your covenant.

They will teach Jacob your laws and Israel your laws. They will burn incense before you and offer the entire burnt offering on your altar.

May the Lord bless his wealth and accept the work of his hands. May you pierce through the waist of those who rise up against him and hate him, so that they may not rise again.

Regarding Benjamin, he said, “The beloved of the Lord will dwell in peace with the Lord.”. The Lord covers him all day long and resides between his shoulders.

Regarding Joseph, may his land be blessed by the Lord, with treasures from heaven, dew, and springs hidden in the earth.

Beautiful fruits ripened by the sun, treasures nurtured by the moon.

The treasure of the ancient mountains, the treasure of the eternal mountains.

Obtain the land and the treasures it is filled with, and dwell in the thorns for the joy of the Lord. May these blessings come upon Joseph’s head, upon the head of those who are different from their brothers.

He is the first among the cattle and has authority. His horn is the horn of a bison, used to resist all nations until the ends of the earth. This horn is ten thousand of Ephraim and a thousand of Manasseh.

Regarding Zebulun, he said, “O Zebulun, you may rejoice when you go out.”. Isaac, you can be happy in your tent.

They will summon the nations to the mountains and offer righteous sacrifices there. Because they want to absorb the richness of the sea and the treasures hidden in the sand.

Praise be to those who have caused Gad to expand. Gad lives like a lioness. He tore his arm and even his head.

He chose the first section of land for himself, because there was a portion reserved for those who established the law. He came with the leaders of the people. He carried out the righteousness of the Lord and the judgments of the Lord and Israel.

Lundan said, “Dan is a little lion, jumping out of Bashan.”.

Regarding Naphtali, he said, O Naphtali, you are full of grace and the blessing of the Lord, and you may inherit the west and the south.

Regarding Asher, he said, May Asher enjoy the happiness of having many children and be pleased with his brothers, so that he may dip his feet in oil.

Your latch (or shoe) is made of copper or iron. How your days are, so will your strength.

Jeshulun, there is no one like God. He rides in the sky to help you, showing his glory and driving through the sky.

The eternal God is your dwelling place. His permanent arm is below you. He drove out the enemy in front of you, saying, Destroy.

Israel resides in peace. Jacob’s origin resides alone in the land of new wine and grains. His sky also drips with nectar.

Blessed are you, O Israel. Who is like you, the people saved by the Lord? He is your shield, helping you, and your mighty sword. Your enemies will surrender to you. You will step on their high ground.




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