
1 Corinthians_Chapter 15

Brothers, I now declare to you the gospel that was previously preached to you, knowing that you have also received it and have stood firm.

And if you do not believe in vain and hold onto what I have preached to you, you will be saved through this gospel.

The first thing that I received on that day, and which I preached to you, is that Christ died for our sins, as the Bible says.

And it was buried. And according to the Bible, he was resurrected on the third day.

And show it to Jifa. Then show it to the twelve apostles.

Later, it was shown to over five hundred brothers for a while, and most of them are still alive today, but some have already fallen asleep.

Show it to Jacob in the future. Show it to the apostles again.

Show me at the end. I am like a person born before the due date.

I was originally the youngest among the apostles and not worthy of being called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God in the past.

However, what kind of person have I become today? It was only through the grace of God that I became. And the grace he has bestowed upon me is not in vain. I work even harder than the apostles. This is not me, but God’s grace is with me.

Whether I am the apostles or not, we preach like this, and you also believe like this.

How can anyone among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead, even though Christ has been resurrected from the dead?

If there were no resurrection of the dead, Christ would not have been resurrected.

If Christ is not resurrected, our preaching is in vain, and your faith is also in vain.

And it is evident that we bear witness to God’s wrongdoing. Because we witness that God raised Christ up. If the dead are not resurrected, then God has not raised Christ.

Because if the dead are not resurrected, Christ will not be resurrected.

If Christ is not resurrected, your faith will be in vain. You are still in sin.

Even those who have slept in Christ have perished.

If we rely on Christ and have hope only in this life, we are even more pitiful than everyone else.

But Christ has been resurrected from the dead, becoming the first ripe fruit of those who have fallen asleep.

Death comes from one person, and the resurrection of the dead also comes from one person.

In Adam, everyone died. Similarly, everyone in Christ will also be resurrected.

But each one resurrected according to their own order. The first ripe fruit is Christ. In the future, when he comes, it will be those who belong to Christ.

In the end, when Christ destroyed all rulers, rulers, and powerful, he handed over the kingdom to God the Father.

For Christ will surely reign, until God puts all his enemies under his feet.

The enemy that is destroyed at the end is death.

Because the scripture says, God subdues all things under his feet. Since it is said that all things are subject to him, it is obvious that it is not within it that all things are subject to him.

When all things have been subdued by him, then the Son shall also subdue himself, that all things may be subdued by him, that God may be above all things, and be the Lord of all things.

Otherwise, what will happen to those who are baptized for the dead? If the dead never rise again, why are they baptized?

When do we take risks?

Brothers, in my Lord Jesus Christ, I speak with all my might about your boasting, saying, I die every day.

What benefit would it bring me if I had fought with wild beasts in Ephesus like an ordinary person on that day? If the dead are not resurrected, let us eat, eat, and drink. Because I’m going to die tomorrow.

Don’t deceive yourself. Promiscuity is a corrupt act.

Awakening to goodness, do not sin. Because some people don’t know God. I say this to make you feel ashamed.

Someone may ask how the dead are resurrected. What kind of body are you bringing?

O ignorant person, what you sow cannot live without death.

And what you sow is not the future form, but the grains, such as wheat or other grains.

But God gave it a form according to his own will, and called each seed its own form.

Every body is different. People are the same, animals are the same, birds are the same, and fish are the same.

There are celestial forms as well as earthly forms. But the glory of celestial forms is the same, and the glory of earthly forms is the same.

The sun has its glory, the moon has its glory, and the stars have their glory. There is also a difference in the glory of this star and that star.

The same goes for the resurrection of the dead. What is planted is perishable, and what is resurrected is immortal.

What is planted is humiliating, and what is resurrected is glorious. What is planted is weak, and what is resurrected is strong.

What is planted is a body of blood and energy, and what is resurrected is a spiritual body. If there is a body with blood, there must also be a spiritual body.

It is also recorded in the scripture that Adam, the first man, became a living being with a spirit. The last Adam became a living spirit.

But spiritual things do not come first, blood things come first. Only in the future will there be spiritual ones.

The first person is from the earth, but belongs to the earth. The second person is from heaven.

As for those who belong to the earth, so do all those who belong to the earth. Whatever belongs to heaven, so do everything that belongs to heaven.

We have the shape of earth, and in the future we will also have the shape of heaven.

Brothers, I tell you that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. What is perishable cannot bear immortality.

I am now telling you a mysterious thing. We don’t all have to sleep, but we all need to change,

In an instant, in the blink of an eye, the last time the horn sounded. Because the trumpet will sound, the dead will be resurrected and become immortal, and we will also change.

What is bound to decay will eventually become immortal. (Translated into English: “Wearing the same clothes as the original text) This must die, but it must become immortal.”.

This will perish and become immortal. This mortal has become immortal. At that time, the words recorded in the scripture that death was swallowed up by victory came true.

Death, where is your victorious power? Damn it, where is your poison hook?

The poisonous hook of death is sin. The power of sin is the law.

Thank God for helping us overcome through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and not shaken, always striving to do more work for the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

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