
1 Corinthians_Chapter 3

Brothers, when I spoke to you before, I could not regard you as spiritual, but as flesh, as infants in Christ.

I fed you with milk, not rice. At that time, you couldn’t eat, but now you still can’t.

You are still flesh. Because there is jealousy and division among you, is it not of the flesh, following the way of men?

It is said that I belong to Paul. It is said that I belong to Apollo. Isn’t this like you and the world?

What is Apollo. What is Paul. It is nothing more than a deacon, guiding you to believe according to what the Lord has given each of them.

I planted it and Apollo watered it. Only God has made him grow.

It can be seen that planting is nothing, and watering is also nothing. Only in the God who calls him growth.

The planting and watering are the same. But in the future, everyone will receive their own rewards according to their own efforts.

Because we work together with God. You are the fields that God has cultivated and the houses he has built.

I am like a wise foreman who has laid the foundation according to the grace God has given me, and others have built upon it. Everyone should be cautious about how to build on it.

Because the foundation that has already been established is Jesus Christ, and no one else can establish another foundation.

If anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, plants, and shekels.

Everyone’s project is bound to be revealed. Because on that day, it was necessary to make it clear that there was a fire discovered. This fire wants to test everyone’s engineering skills.

If the work that a man builds on that foundation endures, he will receive a reward.

If a person’s project is burned down, he will suffer losses. But I want to be saved. Although being saved is like passing through a fire.

Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God resides in you?

If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will surely destroy that person. For the temple of God is holy, and this temple is yours.

People should not deceive themselves. If any of you think you are wise in this world, it is better to become foolish, so that you may become wise.

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. As it is written in the scripture, the Lord has deceived the wise by his own deceit.

And he said, The Lord knows that the thoughts of wise men are vain.

So no one should boast about others. Because everything is yours.

Whether it is Paul, Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, whether it is life or death, or what is happening now or what will happen in the future, it is all yours.

And you are of Christ. Christ is also of God.

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