
1 Corinthians_Chapter 6

How dare you seek judgment in front of the unrighteous and not in front of the saints when there is a dispute among you?

Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? If the world is judged by you, are you not worthy to judge this smallest thing?

Do you not know that we will judge angels? Besides, what happened in this life?

So, if you have any things to judge in this life, are you judging those who are despised by the church?

I am saying this to make you feel ashamed. Is there not a wise man among you who can judge the affairs of your brothers?

But you are brothers and brothers who accuse, and accuse before those who do not believe in the Lord.

It’s already your big mistake for you to accuse each other. Why are you unwilling to be bullied? Why are you unwilling to suffer losses?

But you oppress and mistreat others, especially your brothers.

Do you not know that unrighteous people cannot inherit the kingdom of God? Don’t deceive yourself. Whether it is a promiscuous person, an idol worshiper, a rapist, a child molester, or a man of male descent,

Thieves, greedy, drunken, insulting, and extorting cannot inherit the kingdom of God.

Some of you used to be like this. But now, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the spirit of our God, you have been cleansed, sanctified, and justified.

I can do anything. But not all have benefits. I can do anything, but no matter which one, I am never under his control.

Food is for the belly, and the belly is for food. But God will destroy both of these. The body is not for debauchery, but for the Lord. The Lord is also for the body.

And God has resurrected the Lord, and will use His own power to resurrect us.

Do you not know that your body is a member of Christ? Can I use the limbs of Christ as the limbs of a prostitute? Absolutely impossible.

Do you not know that those who unite with prostitutes become one with her? Because the Lord said, Two people will become one.

But what unites with the Lord is to become one spirit with him.

You must avoid sexual activity. No matter what crime a person commits, it is outside of their body. Only those who engage in debauchery offend their own bodies.

Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit? This Holy Spirit comes from God and resides in you. And you are not your own people.

Because you bought it at a high price. So glorify God in your bodies.

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