首页 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians_Chapter 4

1 Corinthians_Chapter 4

People should regard us as deacons of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries. What i…

People should regard us as deacons of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries.

What is desired from the butler is for him to have loyalty.

It’s a very small matter for me to be judged by you or by others. I don’t even judge myself.

Although I don’t feel wrong, I cannot be justified by it. But it is the Lord who judges me.

So before the time comes, do not judge anything, just wait for the Lord to come, he will reveal the hidden truth in the dark and reveal the thoughts of the heart. At that time, everyone will receive praise from God.

Brothers, for your sake, I have compared these things to myself and Apollo. Tell you not to imitate us beyond what is written in the Bible. Lest you become arrogant, value this and underestimate that.

Who sets you apart from others? What did you not receive? If it is received, why boast as if it was not received?

You are already full and rich. You don’t need us, you will become kings yourself. I want you to truly become kings, so that we may also become kings together with you.

I think God clearly lists us apostles last, like prisoners sentenced to death. Because we have become a play for the world and angels to watch.

We are considered foolish for the sake of Christ, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You have glory, but we are despised.

Until now, we are still hungry and thirsty, naked, beaten, and without a certain place to live.

And when we toil, work with our own hands, and are cursed by others, we bless. We endure being forced by others.

When someone slanders us, we advise them well. Until now, people still see us as the filth of the world, the scum of all things.

I am not writing this to shame you, but to warn you, like my beloved children.

Although you have ten thousand teachers who study Christ, there are not many who are fathers, because I gave birth to you through the gospel in Christ Jesus.

So I beg you to emulate me.

Therefore, I have sent Timothy to you. He is my beloved and loyal son in the Lord. He will remind you to remember how I acted in Christ and how I taught in every church and place.

Some people are arrogant and think that I won’t come to your place.

However, if the Lord permits me, I will quickly come to you. And what I need to know is not the words of those who are arrogant, but their power.

For the kingdom of God does not care about words, but about power.

What are you willing to do? Are you willing for me to bring a cane to your place? Should I still have a loving and gentle heart?


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