首页 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians_Chapter 8

1 Corinthians_Chapter 8

When it comes to offerings to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. But knowledge mak…

When it comes to offerings to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. But knowledge makes people arrogant, only love can cultivate people.

If someone thinks they know something, according to what they should know, they still don’t know.

If someone loves God, that person is known to God.

When it comes to eating offerings to idols, we know that idols are nothing in this world. I also know that there is only one God, and there is no other God.

Although some are called gods, either in heaven or on earth. Just like many gods and many lords.

However, we have only one God, who is the Father. All things are from Him, and we belong to Him. And there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things have, and we also have through him.

But not everyone has such knowledge. Some people, who have become accustomed to worshipping idols, believe that what they eat is a sacrifice to idols. Since their conscience is weak, it is also impure.

Actually, food cannot make God take notice of us. Because if we don’t eat, it’s not harmful, and eating is not beneficial.

But be careful, lest your freedom become a stumbling block for those who are weak.

If anyone sees you, a knowledgeable person, sitting at the temple of idols, and your conscience is weak, will they not have the courage to eat the offerings to idols?

Therefore, the weak brother for whom Christ died also perished because of your knowledge.

You have sinned against Christ by offending your brothers and hurting their weak conscience.

So if food causes my brother to fall, I will never eat meat, otherwise my brother will fall.


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