
Samuel I_Chapter 19

Saul said to his son Jonathan and all his servants, ‘Kill David.’. But Jonathan, the son of Saul, had great love for David.

Jonathan told David, “My father Saul wants to kill you, so be careful tomorrow morning and hide in a secluded place.”.

I will go out to the field where you are hiding and stand next to my father to talk to him. I will tell you what his situation is like.

Jonah spoke kindly to his father Saul on behalf of David, saying, The king shall not offend his servant David. Because he has not offended you, all his actions are of great benefit to you.

He killed the Philistine with all his might, and the Lord saved all Israel. When you saw it, you were overjoyed. Why do you now kill David without reason, shed innocent blood, and take your own sin?

When Saul heard Jonathan’s words, he swore by the living Lord, saying, I will not kill him.

Jonathan called David and told him all these things, bringing him to Saul. He still stood before Saul.

Afterwards, there were also wars. David went out to fight against the Philistines and greatly defeated them, so they fled before him.

The demon that came from the Lord came down on Saul again (Saul sat in the house with a spear in his hand), and David played the harp with his hand.

Saul wanted to pierce David with his spear and nail him to the wall. But he dodged and Saul’s spear pierced into the wall. That night, David fled and took refuge.

Saul sent people to David’s house to spy on him until dawn, in order to kill him. David’s wife Michal said to him, “If you don’t escape tonight, you will be killed tomorrow.”.

So Michal let David down through the window. David fled and took refuge.

Mi Jia placed the household deity on the bed, with her head resting on a goat hair pillow and covered with a blanket.

Saul sent someone to capture David, and Michal said, He is sick.

Saul also sent messengers to see David, saying, Bring him up with the bed, so that I may kill him.

The envoy went in and saw a deity on the bed, with its head resting on a goat hair pillow.

Saul said to Michal, “Why are you deceiving me like this and letting my enemies escape?”? Mi Jia replied, “He said to me, ‘You let me go, otherwise I will kill you.'”.

David fled and came to Ramah to see Samuel. He recounted what Saul had done to him. He and Samuel went to live in Nahor.

Someone told Saul that David was in Naioth in Ramah.

Saul sent people to capture David. The people who went saw a group of prophets speaking with a sense, and Samuel stood among them to supervise them. The people who were sent away were also moved by the spirit of God to speak.

Someone told Saul about this matter, and he sent someone away, and they were also affected and spoke. Saul sent messengers for the third time, and they were also inspired to speak.

Then Saul himself went to Ramah and arrived at the well in Segu, asking, “Where are Samuel and David?”? Someone said, “In Naioth in Rama.”.

He went to Nayue in Rama. The spirit of God also moved him, walking and speaking until he reached Naioth in Ramah.

He took off his clothes and spoke in front of Samuel, feeling a sensation. He lay naked day and night. So there is a saying that goes, Is Saul also among the prophets?

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