
psalm_Chapter 90

Lord, you have been our dwelling place for generations.

The mountains have not given birth, and you have not created the earth and the world. From ancient times to eternity, you are God.

You bring people back to dust, saying, ‘You, the world, will return.’.

In your eyes, a thousand years are like yesterday that has passed, and like a night shift.

You make them rush like water. They were like sleeping for a while. In the morning, they are like growing grass.

In the morning, it sprouts and grows, and at night it is cut and dried.

We are destroyed by your anger, and we are terrified by your wrath.

You have set our sins before you, and our hidden evil in the light of your face.

The days we passed through were all under your wrath. The years we have spent seem like a sigh.

Our lifetime is seventy years old. If strong, it can reach the age of eighty. But what is praised among them is nothing but labor and sorrow. In a blink of an eye, we were like flying away.

Who knows the power of your anger? Who knows your wrath according to the reverence you deserve?

Teach us how to count our days, so that we may have a wise heart.

O Lord, how long will we wait? Please turn back and repent for your servant.

May we be filled early with your love, so that we may rejoice and rejoice throughout our lives.

Please make us rejoice according to the days when you caused us suffering and the years when we suffered.

May your actions manifest to your servants. May your glory be revealed to their children and grandchildren.

May the glory of the Lord our God return to us. May you establish the work of our hands. May the work of our hands be steadfast in you.

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