
psalm_Chapter 51

After David slept with Bathsheba, the prophet Nathan came to him. He wrote this poem to the music director. O God, have mercy on me according to your mercy, and blot out my transgressions according to your abundant mercy.

Wash me thoroughly from my sins and cleanse me from my sins.

Because I know my wrongdoing, my sin is always before me.

I have sinned against you, but I have sinned against you and done this evil in your eyes, so that when you rebuke me, you will appear righteous. When judging me, it appears clear and upright.

I was born in sin. When my mother was pregnant, she committed a crime.

What you love is honesty inside. You will give me wisdom in my secret place.

Please cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Let me hear the voice of joy and joy, so that the bones that you have crushed may rejoice.

Cover your face from my sins and blot out all my sins.

O God, create a pure heart for me, so that I may have a righteous spirit again within me. (Honest or firm).

Don’t abandon me, make me leave your face. Don’t take back your Holy Spirit from me.

May I still find the joy of salvation, and give me a willing spirit to support me.

I will teach your teachings to those who have offended. Criminals will submit to you.

God, you are the God who saves me. Please save me from the sin of shedding blood. My tongue sings loudly of your righteousness.

Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim praise for you.

You didn’t love sacrificial offerings. If you like it, I will offer it. You are not pleased with burnt offerings.

The sacrifice that God desires is a spirit of sorrow. God, a sorrowful and regretful heart, you will not underestimate it.

Do good to Zion according to your good will, and build the walls of Jerusalem.

At that time, you will love the sacrifice of righteousness, the burnt offering, and the burnt offering of the whole sacrifice. At that time, people will offer bulls on your altar.

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