
psalm_Chapter 28

O Lord, I will call upon you. My rock, do not remain silent with me. If you shut up to me, I will be like a dying person.

When I cry to you and raise my hand to your most holy place, hear the voice of my supplication.

Do not eliminate me, the wicked, and the workers of iniquity together. They speak peace words to their neighbors, but their hearts are wicked.

May you treat them according to their deeds and their evil deeds. May you treat them according to what their hands have done. Add to them the retribution they deserve.

Since they have not paid attention to the actions of the Lord and the work of his hands, he will destroy them and not establish them.

Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard the voice of my supplication.

The Lord is my strength and my shield. I rely on him in my heart and need help. So I feel happy in my heart. I will praise him with poetry.

The Lord is the strength of his people, and a fortress for the salvation of his anointed.

Save your people, bless your inheritance, feed them, support them forever.

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