
psalm_Chapter 22

Why did my God, my God, abandon me. Why stay away from me and don’t save me, don’t listen to my groaning words.

My God, I cry day by day, but you do not answer. Crying at night without stopping.

But you are holy, you are a throne or dwelling place with the praise of Israel.

Our ancestors rely on you. They rely on you, and you rescue them.

They pleaded with you and were rescued. They rely on you and are not ashamed.

But I am a worm, not a human. Humiliated by the people and despised by the people.

Everyone who sees me sneers at me. They pouted and shook their heads, saying,

He entrusted himself to the Lord, and the Lord may save him. Since the Lord is pleased with him, let him be delivered.

But you called me out of the mother’s womb. I am in my mother’s arms, and you give me a reliable heart.

I was handed over to you from birth. Since my mother gave birth to me, you have been my god.

Please don’t stay away from me. As the emergency approached, no one helped me.

There are many bulls surrounding me. Bashan’s powerful bull trapped me on all sides.

They opened their mouths to me, as if they were tearing and roaring lions.

I am poured out like water. My bones have all come loose. My heart melts inside me like wax.

My energy dries up like tiles. My tongue is stuck on my gums. You have placed me in the dust of death.

Dogs surround me. Evil parties surround me. They pricked my hand and my foot.

I can count my bones. They stared at me.

They divided my outer garment and cast lots for my inner garment.

O Lord, do not be far from me. My savior, please come and help me quickly.

Please save my soul from the sword, and my life from the dogs.

Save me from the lion’s mouth. You have promised me to break free from the horns of the bison.

I will pass on your name to my brothers. I will praise you at the meeting.

Praise the Lord, you who fear him. All the descendants of Jacob shall glorify him. The descendants of Israel shall fear him.

Because he did not despise or hate those who suffer. I didn’t hide my face from him either. When the suffering person appeals, he listens.

My praise for you at the conference came from you. I will fulfill my vows before those who fear the Lord.

Humble people will eat until they are full. Those who seek the Lord will praise him. May your hearts live forever.

All the ends of the earth will remember the Lord and submit to him. All nations and all nations shall worship before you.

Because national authority belongs to the Lord. He is in charge of managing all nations.

All the fertile people on the earth will eat, drink, and worship. Anyone who cannot survive in the dust must bow down before him.

He will have descendants to serve him. The actions of the Lord will be passed down to future generations.

They will come and proclaim his righteousness to the people who are about to give birth, proclaiming that this is what he has done.

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