首页 psalm psalm_Chapter 141

psalm_Chapter 141

O Lord, I have called upon you, come quickly to me. When I beg you, may you pay attention …

O Lord, I have called upon you, come quickly to me. When I beg you, may you pay attention to my voice.

May my prayers be displayed before you like incense. May I raise my hand to pray, like offering an evening sacrifice.

O Lord, forbid my mouth and guard my mouth.

Please do not turn my heart away from evil, so that I may walk with the workers of iniquity in evil. They don’t ask me to eat their delicious food either.

Allowing righteous people to strike me is considered kindness. Let him blame me, this can be considered as ointment on my head. Don’t dodge my head. Even as they do evil, I still pray.

Their judge was thrown under the rock. Everyone should listen to my words, because they are sweet.

Our bones are scattered by the tomb, like the soil blocks that people plow and dig.

My eyes look up to you, O Lord GOD. I turn to you, please don’t leave me alone.

Please protect me from the traps set by the wicked and the traps of the workers of iniquity.

May the wicked fall into their own nets, yet I may escape.


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