
psalm_Chapter 85

O Lord, you have shown kindness to your land and saved Jacob from captivity.

You have forgiven the sins of your people and covered up all their sins. (Fine pull)

You have turned away the anger and your fierce anger.

O God of our salvation, turn us back, and let your anger cease from us.

Are you going to be angry with us forever? Do you want to keep your anger for generations to come?

Will you no longer save us, so that your people may rejoice in you?

O Lord, let us see your mercy and give us your salvation.

I will listen to the words of God and the Lord. For he will promise peace to his people, his holy people. But they can no longer turn around and act recklessly.

His salvation is indeed close to those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land.

Love and honesty meet each other. Righteousness and peace, kissing each other.

Honesty comes from the earth, and righteousness comes from heaven.

The Lord will give us good things. Our land also needs to produce more local products.

Righteousness will walk before him, making his footsteps a walking path.

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