
psalm_Chapter 97

The Lord reigns. May the earth be happy, may all the islands be joyful.

Clouds and darkness surround him. Justice and fairness are the foundation of his throne.

There is a blazing fire ahead of him, burning down the enemies around him.

His lightning illuminates the world. The earth trembles upon seeing it.

The mountains melt like wax when they see the face of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth.

The heavens declare his righteousness, and all nations see his glory.

May all those who serve carved idols and boast in vain gods be ashamed. O all gods, worship him.

O Lord, when Zion heard your judgment, she rejoiced, and all the women of Judah rejoiced.

For you, O Lord, are supreme above all the earth. You are revered far above all gods.

Hate evil, all you who love the Lord. He protects the lives of the saints and delivers them from the hands of the wicked.

Spreading light is for righteous people. Preparing for joy is for the upright.

Rejoice in the Lord, righteous people, and give thanks to his holy name that is remembered.

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