圣经 psalm psalm_Chapter 8

psalm_Chapter 8

O Lord our Lord, how beautiful is your name in all the earth. You bring your glory to the heavens.

Because of the enemy, you have built strength from the mouths of infants and sucklings, causing the enemy and avengers to remain silent.

I have seen the heavens that your fingers have made, and the moon and stars that you have set up,

Just say, what is a person? You even care about him. What is the world, that you care for him.

You make him a little less than an angel, and crown him with glory and honor.

You have appointed him to oversee the work of your hands, so that all things, including cattle and sheep, beasts of the field, birds of the air, and fish of the sea, may be subdued under his feet.

How beautiful is your name in all the earth, O Lord our Lord.

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