首页 psalm psalm_Chapter 79

psalm_Chapter 79

O God, the Gentiles have entered your inheritance and defiled your temple, turning Jerusal…

O God, the Gentiles have entered your inheritance and defiled your temple, turning Jerusalem into a pile of ruins.

Give the body of your servant to the birds of the sky for food, and the flesh of your holy people to the beasts of the earth.

Their blood flows like water around Jerusalem, and no one buries them.

We have become a shame to our neighbors, a mockery and ridicule to those around us.

O Lord, how long will this be? Do you want to be angry forever? Do you want your anger to burn like fire?

May you pour out your anger on the nations that do not know you, and on the kingdom that does not call upon your name.

Because they swallowed up Jacob and turned his dwelling into a wasteland.

Please do not remember the sins of our ancestors and pursue them from us. May your mercy meet us soon. Because we have fallen to an extremely humble level.

O God of our salvation, help us in the glory of your name, deliver us for the sake of your name, and forgive our sins.

Why should the Gentiles say, Where is their God? May you make the Gentiles aware that you are before our eyes, and may you avenge the bloodshed of your servants.

May the sigh of the imprisoned come before you. May you preserve those who are about to die according to your great power.

Lord, may you add sevenfold to the shame that our neighbors have put on you.

In this way, your people and the sheep of your pasture will give thanks to you forever. I will speak praises of you for generations to come.


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