
psalm_Chapter 72

O God, give the power of judgment to the king, and give righteousness to the king’s son.

He will judge your people in righteousness and your afflicted people in fairness.

Great mountains and small mountains, we must bring peace to the people through righteousness.

He will avenge the poor among the people, save the needy, and crush those who oppress.

The sun still exists, the moon still exists, and people will revere you for generations to come.

He will come, like rain on the cut grass, like rain that moistens the fields.

In his days, the righteous shall prosper, and there shall be great peace, as the moon endures.

He will wield power from one sea to another, from the great river to the ends of the earth.

Those who live in the wilderness will bow down before him. His enemies will lick the soil.

He offered tribute to the king of the island. The kings of Sheba and Ziba shall offer gifts.

All kings shall bow down to him, and all nations shall serve him.

Because when the poor cry out, he will deliver, and when there is no one to help the poor, he will also deliver.

He will have mercy on the poor and needy, and save the lives of the poor.

He wants to redeem them from oppression and rape. Their blood is precious in his eyes.

They want to survive. The gold of Sheba shall be offered to him. People should always pray for him and praise him all day long.

On the mountaintop of the earth, the five grains will surely flourish. The fruit of the five grains shall resound like the forest of Lebanon. The people of the city should flourish like grass on the ground.

His name shall endure forever, and shall be passed down as the sun. People should be blessed because of him. All nations should call him blessed.

Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who does wonders alone.

Praise be to his glorious name forever. May his glory fill the whole earth. Amen, amen.

Jesse’s son David’s prayer is over.

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