
psalm_Chapter 73

God is truly kind to those who are pure hearted in Israel.

As for me, my feet almost flickered. My foot almost slipped.

I see that the wicked and the arrogant enjoy peace, and my heart is filled with injustice.

When they died, there was no pain. Their strength is also strong.

They don’t suffer like others, nor do they suffer like others.

So pride is like a chain worn around their necks. Rape is like clothing covering their bodies.

Their eyes protrude due to their weight. What they have gained is more than what they think in their hearts.

They mock people and use malicious language to oppress them. They speak with arrogance.

Their mouths blaspheme the heavens, and their tongues slander the whole earth.

So the people of God returned here and drank the full cup of bitter water.

They said, How can God know? Does the Supreme have knowledge?

Look, this is the villain. They are constantly enjoying comfort, and their wealth increases.

I have cleansed my heart in vain, washing my hands in vain to show my innocence.

Because I am plagued by disasters all day long and punished every morning.

If I say, ‘I will speak this way,’ then I will treat your sons with deceit.

I pondered how I could understand this matter, but it seems to be difficult.

When I enter God’s sanctuary, I contemplate their end.

You have indeed placed them on slippery ground, causing them to fall into sinking.

In the blink of an eye, they became so desolate. They were completely annihilated by fear.

How do people perceive their dreams when they wake up? Lord, even when you wake up, you will still underestimate their image.

So my heart was sore and my lungs were pricked.

I am so ignorant and ignorant, like a beast in front of you.

However, I am always with you. You hold my right hand.

Guide me with your teachings, and you will receive me into glory in the future.

Who else am I in the sky besides you? Besides you, I have nothing to admire on the ground.

My body and my heart are decaying. But God is the strength of my heart and my blessing forever.

Those who stay away from you will surely die. You have destroyed all those who have abandoned you and engaged in debauchery.

But being close to God is beneficial to me. I have made the Lord the Lord my refuge, so that I may recount all your works.

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