首页 psalm psalm_Chapter 104

psalm_Chapter 104

Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are great. You dress in honor and dignity. …

Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are great. You dress in honor and dignity.

Put on light, like a robe; spread out the sky, like a curtain.

Standing on the pillars of a pavilion in the water, using clouds as chariots and riding on the wings of the wind.

Using the wind as an envoy and flames as servants.

Establish the earth on its foundation, so that it will never waver.

You cover the ground with deep water, like clothing. The rivers rise above the mountains.

When you scold, the water runs away. When your thunder is heard, water rushes.

The mountains rise up and the valleys sink down, and they belong to the land that you have established for them

You have set boundaries so that water cannot pass through and will no longer turn back to cover the ground.

The Lord causes a spring to flow in the valley and among the mountains.

Make the wild beasts have water to drink, and wild donkeys quench their thirst.

The birds in the sky stay by the water and cry on the branches.

He watered the mountains from the pavilion. Because of his actions, the land is abundant.

He grows grass and feeds six livestock. Make vegetables grow longer and provide them for human use. Enable people to obtain food from the ground.

Wine can please the heart, oil can moisten the face, and food can nourish the heart.

The beautiful trees, even the cedars of Lebanon, have been planted by the Lord and are full of sap.

Birds build their nests on it. As for cranes, pine trees are their houses.

High mountains are the dwelling place of wild goats. The rock is the hiding place of the sand fan.

You set the moon as the season. The sun knows itself to set.

You make darkness into night, and all the beasts in the forest will crawl out.

The young lion roars, seeking food from God.

As soon as the sun rises, the beast takes refuge and lies in the cave.

People go out to work and work until the evening.

O Lord, how many things have you made? You have made them all with your wisdom. Everywhere is filled with your richness.

There is a sea there, big and wide. There are countless animals among them. There are living creatures of all sizes.

There are boats walking there. There is a crocodile you created swimming in it.

I hope you can give it food on time.

You give them, they pick them up; You open your hand, they are full of delicious food.

If you cover your face, they will panic. If you take back their breath, they will die and return to dust.

You send out your spirit, and they are created. You have replaced the ground with a new one.

May the glory of the Lord endure forever. May the Lord be pleased with what he has made.

He looked at the ground and it shook. When he touches the mountain, it smokes.

I will sing a poem to the Lord all my life. When I am still alive, I will sing praises to my God.

May he find my meditation sweet. I will rejoice in the Lord.

May sinners be eradicated from the world. May the wicked return to nothingness. Praise the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord. (The original text is Hallelujah, the same below)


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