
Nehemiah_Chapter 9

On the 24th day of this month, the Israelites gathered to fast, wearing linen clothes and covering their heads with dust.

The Israelites separated from all the Gentiles and stood to confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors.

On that day, a quarter stood in their own place, reading the law of the Lord their God, and a quarter confessed and worshipped the Lord their God.

Jeshua, Bani, Kadmil, Shebani, Buni, Shelabi, Bani, and Chenani stood on the altar of the Levites, crying loudly to the Lord their God.

The Levites Jeshua, Kadmil, Bani, Hashani, Shelabi, Hodiah, Shebani, and Petahijah said, ‘Stand up and praise the Lord your God forever and endlessly.’. Praise be to your glorious name, O Lord. Beyond all praise and praise.

You, only you are the Lord. You have made heaven and the heavens in heaven, and all the phenomena in heaven, the earth and all things on earth, the sea and everything in it. All of this is what you have saved. The heavenly army also worships you.

You are the Lord God, who chose Abram and brought him out of Ur in Chaldea, and changed his name to Abraham.

When you see that he is honest in his heart before you, make a covenant with him. Promise to give the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Jebusites, and Gegashites to his descendants. And your words have been fulfilled, because you are righteous.

You have seen the suffering of our ancestors in Egypt and listened to their cry by the Red Sea.

And they performed miracles and wonders on Pharaoh, all his servants, and all the people of his kingdom. You have also gained fame, just as you do today, because you know that they acted arrogantly towards our ancestors.

You have separated the sea before our ancestors, causing them to walk on dry land in the sea, and cast their pursuers into the deep sea like stones in the great waters.

And guide them with pillars of clouds during the day, and illuminate their path with pillars of fire at night.

You also came to Mount Sinai and spoke to them from heaven, giving them upright laws, true laws, beautiful ordinances, and commandments.

And let them know your Sabbath day, and pass on to them commandments, ordinances, and laws through your servant Moses.

Give them food from heaven to satisfy their hunger, bring water out of the rock to quench their thirst, and command them to go in and obtain the land you swore to give them.

But our ancestors acted arrogantly, stiff necked and disobedient to your commandments.

Not willing to obey, nor remembering the wonders you have done among them, yet stiff necked, rebellious in heart, and self proclaimed as a leader to return to their land of slavery. But you are a God who is willing to forgive, has grace, compassion, is not easily angered, has abundant and loving love, and does not abandon them.

Although they cast a calf, they said to each other, This is the God who brought you out of Egypt. So it greatly provokes your anger.

You still show great mercy and do not abandon them in the wilderness. During the day, the cloud pillar did not leave them, but still guided them on their way. At night, the pillar of fire does not leave them, still illuminating their path.

You have also given them a good spirit to teach them, and have not given them manna to make a living, and have given them water to quench their thirst.

For forty years in the wilderness, you raised them, and they lacked nothing. The clothes are not worn out, and the feet are not swollen.

And you will divide the land of the nations among them, and they will have the land of Sihon, the land of King Heshbon, and the land of King Og of Bashan.

You have also made their descendants as many as the stars in the sky, bringing them to the land that you promised their ancestors to enter and inherit.

So they will enter and take possession of the land, and you will subdue the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, before them. Give the Canaanites, their kings, and the inhabitants of the land into their hands, and let them do as they please.

They obtained fortified cities, fertile land, houses filled with all kinds of beautiful things, well dug wells, vineyards, olive groves, and many fruit trees. They eat and are full, their bodies are fat, and their hearts are happy because of your great kindness.

However, they did not obey and betrayed you, throwing your law behind your back and killing the prophets who advised them to turn to you, greatly provoking your anger.

So you hand them over to the enemy and put them through hardships. When they cry to you in distress, then hear from heaven and give them a deliverer according to your great mercy, to deliver them from the hands of the enemy.

But after they were at peace, they did evil before you, so you abandoned them in the hands of your enemies and let them rule over them. However, they turned back to plead with you, and you still listened from heaven, repeatedly saving them according to your mercy.

Also warn them to submit to your law. But they act arrogantly and do not obey your commandments, violating your laws (if a person does, they will live), turning their shoulders and hardening their necks, refusing to listen.

But you have been tolerant of them for many years and have used your spirit to admonish them through the prophets, but they still do not listen. Therefore, you have handed them over to the people of the nations.

However, you showed great mercy and did not completely destroy them, nor did you abandon them. Because you are a God with grace and compassion.

O our God, you are the greatest, most powerful, and most fearsome God, who keeps the covenant and shows mercy. Our kings, leaders, priests, prophets, ancestors, and your people. Do not underestimate the suffering that has been endured from the time of the king of Assyria until today.

In everything that comes to us, you are righteous. Because what you do is honest, what we do is evil.

Our kings, leaders, priests, and ancestors have not kept your law. Not obeying your commandments and your warning to them.

When they have received your great favor in their own country, they will not serve you or turn away from their evil deeds in the vast and fertile land you have given them.

We are now slaves. As for the land that you have given our ancestors to enjoy the harvest and beauty of it, see, we have become slaves in this land.

Many of the produce of this land has been given to the kings, whom you have appointed to rule over us for our sins. They have arbitrary control over our bodies and livestock, and we have encountered great difficulties.

For all these things, we have made a definite agreement and written it in the book. Our leaders, the Levites, and the priests all signed their names.

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