
Min Shu Ji_Chapter 26

After the plague, the Lord spoke to Moses and Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, saying,

Calculate the total number of all the congregation of Israel, according to their families, who are able to go out to war from twenty years old and above.

Moses and Eleazar the priest said to the Israelites in the plains of Moab by the Jordan River opposite Jericho,

Calculate the total number from those over twenty years old among you. As the Lord commanded Moses and the Israelites to leave the land of Egypt.

The eldest son of Israel is Reuben. The sons of Reuben, of Hano, of the Hano tribe. Belonging to the Dharma, there are the Dharma tribes.

Those belonging to Hezron have the Hezron tribe. Those who belong to Carmi have the Carmi tribe.

This is the various tribes of defecation. Among them, a total of 437300 were counted.

The son of Pharaoh was Eliab.

The sons of Eliab were Nemuel, Dathan, and Abiram. This Dathan and Abiram, who were selected from the assembly, also fought against Moses and Aaron when they were fighting against the Lord with Korah.

And the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, and they died together with Korah and Korah’s followers. At that time, the fire extinguished 250 people. They made a warning.

However, the sons of Korah did not die.

According to their families, the sons of Simeon, belonging to the Nimuel tribe, are the Nimuel tribe. Those who belong to Jamin have the Jamin tribe. Those belonging to the Yajin tribe belong to the Yajin tribe.

Belonging to the Shira tribe, there are the Shira people. Those who belong to Saul have the family of Saul.

These are the tribes of Simeon, a total of 22200.

According to their families, the sons of Gad, belonging to the Zephyd family, have the Zephyd family. Belonging to Haki, there is the Haki tribe. Those who belong to the Shuni tribe belong to the Shuni tribe.

Those belonging to Asni have the Asni tribe. Of Eli, there are the Eli tribe.

Belonging to the Ard tribe, there are the Ard tribe. Of the people of Ariel, there are the family of Ariel.

These are the tribes of the children of Gad, according to those who were numbered among them, a total of forty thousand and five hundred.

The sons of Judah were Er and Onan. Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan.

According to their families, the rest of the sons of Judah, belonging to Shilah, are of the Shilah family. Belonging to Pharus, there are the Pharus tribe. Belonging to the Shira tribe are the Shira people.

The son of Pharez, of Hezron, of the Hezron tribe. Those belonging to Hamul have the Hamul tribe.

These are the tribes of Judah, according to those who were numbered among them, a total of 76500.

According to their families, the sons of Issachar, belonging to the Torah tribe, are of the Torah tribe. Belonging to the Puva, there are the Puva ethnic group.

Belonging to the Yashu tribe, there is the Yashu tribe. Belonging to Shenlun, there are the Shenlun tribe.

These are the tribes of Issachar, according to those who were numbered among them, a total of 64300.

According to their families, the sons of Zebulun, belonging to the Zered tribe, are of the Zered tribe. For those who belong to Elon, there are the tribe of Elon. Those belonging to the Yali tribe have the Yali tribe.

These are the tribes of Zebulun, according to those who were numbered among them, a total of 60500.

According to their families, the sons of Joseph were Manasseh and Ephraim.

The sons of Manasseh, of Machir, of the family of Machir. Maggie gave birth to Gilead. Belonging to the basal order, there are basal families.

The sons of Gilead, of the family of Eezer. Belonging to the Hittites, there are the Hittites.

Those who belong to Asriel have the Asriel tribe. Those who belong to the Shijian tribe belong to the Shijian tribe.

Belonging to the Shimi tribe, there is the Shimi tribe. Those who belong to Hepher have the Hepher tribe.

Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, had no sons, only daughters. The names of the daughters of Zelophehas are Marah, Noah, Horah, Micah, and Tirzah.

These are the various tribes of Manasseh. Among them, a total of 52700 were counted.

According to their families, the sons of Ephraim, belonging to Shutirah, are of the Shutirah family. Belonging to Bijie, there are Bijie tribes. Those who belong to Tahan have the Tahan tribe.

The sons of Shutirah, of Elam, of the Elamite family.

These are the tribes of the Ephraim descendants, according to those who were numbered among them, a total of 32500. According to their families, these are all descendants of Joseph.

According to their families, the sons of Benjamin, of Belah, the Belah family. Belonging to the Ashbite tribe, there are Ashbite tribes. Those belonging to Ahilam have the family of Ahilam.

Those who belong to the anti book family belong to the anti book family. Those who belong to the household rebellion have the household rebellion clan.

The sons of Belah were Al and Naaman. Belonging to the Alar tribe, there are the Alar people. Those belonging to the Niman tribe.

These are the descendants of Benjamin according to their families, of whom a total of 45600 were numbered.

According to their families, the sons of Dan, belonging to the Shuhan tribe, have the Shuhan clan. According to the family, these are the various tribes of Dan.

According to those who were numbered, the book includes all the tribes, totaling 64400.

According to their families, the sons of Asher, belonging to the Inah tribe, are of the Inah clan. Those belonging to the Yeshiwei tribe include the Yeshiwei tribe. Belonging to the Beria, there are Beria tribes.

The sons of Berea, of Heber, of the Hebrew tribe. Those who belong to the Majite tribe have the Majite tribe.

Asher’s daughter’s name is Selah.

These are the tribes of the children of Asher, according to those who were numbered among them, a total of 53400.

According to their families, the sons of Naphtali, belonging to the family of Jaziel, are of the Jaziel clan. Those who belong to the Guni tribe include the Guni tribe.

Belonging to the Yese tribe, there is the Yese tribe. Belonging to the refrigeration system, there are refrigeration families.

According to their families, these are the tribes of Naphtali. Among them, a total of 45400 were counted.

Among the Israelites, there were a total of six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

You shall divide the land among these people according to the number of names for their inheritance.

If there are many people, you need to allocate more industries to them. If there are few people, you should allocate less of your industry to them. Divide the industry among individuals according to the number of people counted.

Despite this, we still have to draw lots to divide the land. They shall inherit according to the names of their ancestors and tribes.

According to the lot cast, divide the inheritance among them based on the number of people.

The Levites were numbered according to their clans, belonging to the Gershonites. Those who belong to the jurisdiction of the elder brother have the tribe of the elder brother. Belonging to the Milali tribe, there are the Milali people.

The various tribes of Levi include the tribe of Libni, the tribe of Hebron, the tribe of Mary, the tribe of Mushi, and the tribe of Korah. Ge Zhi gave birth to An Lan.

Amram’s wife’s name was Jochebed, a Levite woman born in Egypt. She gave birth to Aaron, Moses, and their sister Miriam to Amram.

Aaron gave birth to Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

Nadab and Abihu died when they offered any fire before the Lord.

Among the Levites, there were a total of 23000 males who were counted for a month or more. They were not originally counted among the Israelites. Because among the Israelites, no inheritance was given to them.

These are the ones counted by Moses and Eleazar the priest. They numbered the Israelites by the Jordan River in the plains of Moab, opposite Jericho.

But none of the people counted were the Israelites whom Moses and Aaron the priest had counted in the wilderness of Sinai,

For the Lord said of them, They will surely die in the wilderness. So, apart from Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, the son of Nun, not a single person survived.

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