
Min Shu Ji_Chapter 6

The Lord said to Moses,

Speak to the Israelites, saying, Regardless of whether a man or a woman makes a special vow, that is, the vow of the Nazarites (which means to return to the Lord), they shall separate themselves from the Lord and return to the Lord.

He must stay away from sake and strong liquor, and must not drink vinegar made from sake and strong liquor. Do not drink any grape juice, and do not eat fresh or dry grapes.

On all days of seclusion, no fruit from the vine, from the core to the skin, shall be eaten.

On all the days when he wishes to leave the secular world, he cannot use a razor to shave his head, it will grow from the strands of his hair. He shall be holy until the day of his separation to the Lord is fulfilled.

On all the days when he returns to the Lord, he shall not approach a dead body.

When his parents or brothers or sisters die, he shall not make himself unclean because of them, because the evidence of separation to God is on his head.

On all his days of seclusion, he is holy to the Lord.

If anyone suddenly dies next to him, so that their uncivilized head is stained, he shall shave his head on the seventh day when he is cleansed.

On the eighth day, he shall bring two doves or two young pigeons to the entrance of the tent of meeting and hand them over to the priest.

The priest shall offer one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering to redeem him for his sins caused by the dead body, and shall make his head holy on that day.

He shall choose another day of separation to return to the Lord, and shall bring a one year old male lamb as a guilt offering. But the previous days will be in vain, because he was defiled during his seclusion.

This is the law of Nazareth, which is to bring him to the entrance of the tabernacle of the congregation, when he has fulfilled his days of seclusion,

He shall offer the offering to the Lord, one male lamb without blemish, a one year old lamb for a burnt offering, one female lamb without blemish, a one year old lamb for a sin offering, and one male lamb without blemish for a peace offering,

And a basket of fine flour cakes mixed with oil without yeast, and thin cakes spread with oil without yeast, along with their grain offering and drink offering.

The priest shall offer the man’s sin offering and burnt offering before the Lord.

And he shall offer the ram and the basket of unleavened bread as a peace offering to the Lord, and he shall also offer the grain offering and the drink offering together.

The Nazarites are to shave off the heads of the Levites at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, and distribute the heads of the Levites on the fire below the sacrifice of peace.

After he has shaved, the priest shall take one front leg of the boiled ram, and also take an unleavened cake and an unleavened pancake from the basket, and place them in his hand.

The priest shall take these as a wave offering and wave them before the Lord. This, along with the breasts shaken and the legs lifted up, are sacred items that belong to the priests. Then the Naxi’er people can drink alcohol.

This is the law for Naziel, who made a vow, to offer to the Lord the offerings he had made for his seclusion, and what he could receive beyond him. How he wishes, he should follow the rules of seclusion.

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

Tell Aaron and his son, ‘Bless the Israelites in this way.’,

May the Lord bless you and protect you.

May the Lord make his face shine upon you and bless you.

May the Lord lift up his face to you and give you peace.

They will bless the Israelites in my name. I will also bless them.

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