
Leviticus_Chapter 27

The Lord said to Moses,

Speak to the Israelites, saying, If a person still makes a vow, the person who is made shall give it to the Lord according to the value you have estimated.

The man you estimate, from twenty to sixty years old, shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver according to the sheaf of the sanctuary.

If it’s a woman, you should estimate it at thirty shekels.

If it is from the age of five to twenty, estimate twenty shekels for a man and ten shekels for a woman.

If it is from one month to five years old, estimate five shekels for men and three shekels for women.

If you are over sixty years old, estimate fifteen shekels for men and ten shekels for women.

If he is poor and cannot be valued according to your estimation, then bring him before the priest, and the priest shall estimate his value according to the strength of the person making the vow.

If it is a livestock that is offered as an offering to the Lord by a man, everything of this kind that is offered to the Lord shall be holy.

People cannot be changed, nor can they be replaced, either good or bad, or bad and good. If livestock are exchanged for livestock, both the promise and the exchange shall become holy.

If the livestock are unclean and cannot be offered as an offering to the Lord, they must be placed before the priests.

The priest shall assess the value of the livestock, whether it is good or bad. As the priest assesses it, he shall consider it as right.

If he must redeem it, he must add one-fifth to the value you estimated.

When a person consecrates a house and gives it to the Lord, the priest shall assess its value. Whether a house is good or bad, how the priest assesses it shall be determined.

If a person who consecrates a house wants to redeem it, he must add one-fifth of the value you have estimated, and the house will still belong to him.

If a person consecrates a portion of their inheritance and gives it to the Lord, you shall estimate the value of the land according to how much it is sown. If you sow one hectare of barley, you shall estimate it at fifty shekels.

If he consecrates the land from the year of Jubilee, it shall be determined by the value that you have estimated.

If he consecrates the land after the year of Jubilee, the priest shall calculate the value based on the number of years remaining before the year of Jubilee, and shall deduct the value from your estimation.

If the person who sanctifies the land insists on redeeming it, he shall add one-fifth of its value beyond your estimation, and the land shall be declared his.

If he doesn’t redeem the land or sell it to someone else, he can’t redeem it anymore.

But in the year of Jubilee, when the land comes out of the hands of the buyer, it shall be holy to the Lord, just like the land offered forever, and shall be owned by the priests.

If he consecrates a piece of land that he has purchased, which is not an inheritance, to the Lord,

The priest shall calculate the value you have estimated for him until the year of Jubilee. On that day, he will consecrate the silver you have estimated to the Lord.

In the year of Jubilee, the land will belong to the seller, who will inherit it as his original owner.

All the silver you estimate shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary, twenty gerahs for one shekel.

But the firstborn among livestock, whether it be an ox or a sheep, shall be holy to the Lord, and no one shall sanctify it again, for it is the Lord’s.

If it is an unclean animal, it must be redeemed at your estimated value plus one-fifth. If it is not redeemed, it must be sold at your estimated value.

But everything that is offered forever, whether it be man or beast, or the land that he inherits as an inheritance, shall not be sold or redeemed. What is offered forever is most holy to the Lord.

Anything that is to be destroyed from among men cannot be redeemed, but will be put to death.

All that is on the earth, whether it be the seeds of the earth or the fruits of the trees, the tenth part belongs to the Lord and is holy to him.

If a person wants to redeem one tenth of something, they must add one fifth.

All cattle and sheep that pass under the rod, every tenth one, shall be holy to the Lord.

Do not ask whether it is good or bad, and do not replace it. If it is necessary to replace it, both the replacement and the original livestock will become holy and cannot be redeemed.

This is the command that the Lord commanded Moses for the Israelites on Mount Sinai.

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