
Leviticus_Chapter 7

The regulations of the guilt offering are as follows: this offering is most holy.

Wherever a man slaughters a burnt offering, he shall also slaughter a trespass offering, and the priest shall sprinkle its blood around the altar.

And also take the fat tail and the fat that covers the organs,

Take off the two waists and the fat on them, which is the fat on both sides of the waist, as well as the mesh and waist on the liver.

The priest shall burn it on the altar as an offering made by fire to the Lord, which is a guilt offering.

All male priests are allowed to eat this offering, and it is most holy to eat in a holy place.

Like the sin offering, so is the guilt offering. The two offerings are one law. The priest who offers a guilt offering to redeem sins shall receive this offering.

The priest who offers a burnt offering shall personally take the skin of the burnt offering for anyone who offers it.

Any meat offering baked in the oven, anything made in a frying pan, or anything made on an iron plate shall belong to the priest who offered it.

All grain offerings, whether mixed with oil or dried, shall belong to the descendants of Aaron, and shall be divided equally among them.

The regulations for offering peace offerings to the Lord are as follows:,

If he offers it for thanksgiving, he shall offer it together with the thanksgiving offering, using unleavened cakes mixed with oil and unleavened thin cakes spread with oil, and cakes made of fine flour mixed with oil.

You must offer fermented bread and a peace offering for thanksgiving along with the offering.

From all kinds of offerings, he shall offer one loaf of bread as an offering to the Lord, which shall belong to the priest who sprinkles the blood of the peace offering.

To thank the meat of the sacrifice of peace offerings, it should be eaten on the day of offering, and not left until morning.

If what is offered is for fulfilling a vow or willingly offered, it shall be eaten on the day of the offering, and the remaining shall also be eaten on the second day.

But the remaining sacrificial meat shall be burned with fire on the third day.

On the third day, if one eats the meat of the peace offering, it will not be accepted, and the offerings made by a person will not be considered a sacrifice, but rather an abomination. Whoever eats the meat of this offering will bear his iniquity.

Meat that has been contaminated with filth must not be eaten and must be burned with fire. As for the meat of the peace offering, everyone who is clean must eat it.

But if a person eats the meat offered as a peace offering to the Lord in an unclean manner, he will be cut off from his people.

If anyone touches any unclean thing, or any unclean person, or any unclean animal, or any unclean and detestable thing, and eats the meat offered as a peace offering to the Lord, that person shall be cut off from the people.

The Lord said to Moses,

Speak to the Israelites, saying, You shall not eat the fat of cattle, sheep, or goats.

The fat of those who die on their own and those torn by wild beasts can be used for other purposes, but you must not eat it.

Whoever eats the fat offered to the Lord as an offering made by fire to livestock will be cut off from their people.

In all your dwellings, you shall not eat the blood of birds or beasts.

Whoever eats blood will be cut off from the people.

The Lord said to Moses,

Speak to the Israelites, saying, Whoever offers a peace offering to the Lord shall take some of the peace offering and offer it to the Lord.

He shall bring with his own hand the offering made by fire to the Lord, which is the fat and the breast, so that he may wave the breast as a wave offering before the Lord.

The priest shall burn the fat on the altar, but the breasts shall belong to Aaron and his descendants.

You shall offer your right leg as an elevation offering from the peace offering to the priest.

Among the descendants of Aaron, those who offer the blood and fat of the peace offering shall receive this right leg as a portion.

Because I took the shaken breasts and lifted legs from the peace offerings of the Israelites and gave them to Aaron the priest and his descendants as their eternal portion from the Israelites.

This is the portion for Aaron and his descendants to be anointed from the offerings made by fire by the Lord, on the day when Moses called them to come and serve as priests to the Lord,

On the day when Moses anointed them, the Lord commanded the Israelites to give them. This is a share that they have been awarded for generations to come.

This is the law of burnt offering, grain offering, sin offering, guilt offering, and peace offering, as well as the ceremony of consecration,

All that the Lord commanded Moses in Mount Sinai, on the day he commanded the Israelites to offer offerings to the Lord in the wilderness of Sinai.

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