Leviticus_Chapter 10
Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took their own incense burners, filled them with fire, added incense, and offered any fire before the Lord, which the Lord had not commanded them,
Then fire came out from before the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord.
So Moses said to Aaron, This is what the Lord has said: I will be holy among those who are close to me, and I will be glorified before all the people. Aaron remained silent.
Moses summoned Mishael and Elizaphan, the sons of Aaron’s uncle Uzziel, and said to them, Come forward and bring your relatives from the front of the sanctuary outside the camp.
So the two of them came forward and carried them in robes outside the camp, as Moses had commanded.
Moses said to Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, “Do not let your hair fall out, nor tear your clothes, so that you may not die, nor let the Lord be angry with the assembly. Only let your brothers and all Israel mourn for the fire that the Lord has caused.”.
You shall not leave the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, lest you die, for the anointing oil of the Lord is on you. They did as Moses said.
The Lord spoke to Aaron, saying,
When you and your son enter the tabernacle of the congregation, you shall not drink any clear wine or strong wine, lest you die. This shall be an eternal law for your generations.
So that you may distinguish between the holy, the vulgar, the clean, and the unclean.
And that you may teach the Israelites all the laws that the Lord had spoken to them through Moses.
Moses said to Aaron and his remaining sons Eleazar and Ithamar, ‘The grain offering that is left from the offerings made by fire to the Lord must be eaten by the altar without yeast, because it is most holy.’.
You shall eat in a holy place, for in the offering made by fire to the Lord, this is your portion and your son’s portion, as you have commanded me.
You must eat the breasts you shake and the legs you lift in a clean place. You and your children must eat together, because these are given to you from the peace offerings of the Israelites, as your portion and your son’s portion.
The legs lifted up and the breasts shaken shall be brought with the fat of the offering made by fire as a wave offering, and shall be shaken before the Lord. This shall be for you and your son as an eternal portion, as the Lord has commanded.
At that moment, Moses urgently searched for the male goat for the sin offering, but he knew it had been burned. He became angry with Aaron’s remaining sons Eleazar and Ithamar, saying,
Why did you not eat this sin offering in the holy place, as it is most holy and given to you by the Lord to bear the sins of the congregation and make atonement for them before the Lord?
See, the blood of this sacrifice has not been taken into the sanctuary. You should have eaten this sacrifice in the sanctuary as I commanded you.
Aaron said to Moses, “Today they offer a sin offering and a burnt offering before the Lord, and I have encountered such a calamity. If I eat the sin offering today, will the Lord see it well?”?
When Moses heard these words, he thought it was beautiful.