Leviticus_Chapter 16
Aaron’s two sons came near and died before the Lord. After death, the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Tell your brother Aaron not to enter the curtains of the sanctuary at any time, or come to the throne of grace on the ark, so that he may not die, for I will appear from the clouds on the throne of grace.
Aaron is to bring a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering when entering the sanctuary.
You must put on a fine linen holy robe, wear fine linen pants on your body, tie a fine linen belt around your waist, and wear a fine linen crown on your head. These are all holy garments. He needs to wash himself with water and then wear it.
Take two male goats as a sin offering and one male sheep as a burnt offering from the Israelite assembly.
Aaron shall offer the bull of the sin offering to make atonement for himself and his family.
And you shall also place two male goats at the entrance of the tabernacle of the meeting before the Lord,
Draw lots for those two sheep, one lot for the Lord and the other lot for Azazel.
Aaron shall offer the sheep that were cast by lot to the Lord as a sin offering,
But the sheep that were cast by lot shall be placed alive before the Lord to make atonement, and shall be sent to the wilderness to be given to Asachal.
Aaron will bring the bull of the sin offering and slaughter it to make atonement for himself and his family.
Take a censer, fill the altar before the Lord with charcoal, and bring a handful of finely ground spices into the curtain,
Put incense on the fire before the Lord, so that the smoke of incense may cover the altar of grace on the Testament, so that he may not die.
Take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with your fingers on the east side of the seat of grace, and sprinkle the blood seven times in front of the seat of grace.
Then he shall slaughter the male goat that is offered as a sin offering for the people, and bring the blood of the goat into the curtain, and sprinkle it on top of and in front of the mercy seat, like the blood of a bull.
He shall perform the act of atonement in the holy place for all the uncleanness and sins of the Israelites, and shall do the same for the tabernacle of the congregation in their uncleanness.
When he enters the sanctuary to make atonement, there shall be no one in the tabernacle of meeting until he has made atonement for himself, his family, and all the congregation of Israel.
He will come out to the altar before the Lord and perform the act of atonement on it. He will also take some of the blood of the bull and the blood of the goat and spread it around the four corners of the altar.
And he shall sprinkle the blood on the altar seven times with his fingers, cleanse it, and remove all the filth of the Israelites from the altar, making it holy.
After Aaron has finished offering a sin offering for the sanctuary, the tent of meeting, and the altar, he shall offer the living male goat.
He placed his hands on the head of the sheep and confessed all the sins and offenses of the Israelites, including all their sins. He put all these sins on the head of the sheep and sent them to the wilderness by the hand of the one he sent.
I will put this sheep in the wilderness, and they will bear all their sins and bring them to a place without anyone.
Aaron is to enter the tabernacle of the congregation, take off the linen clothes he wore when he entered the sanctuary, and place them there,
Wash oneself with water in the holy place, put on clothes, and come out to offer one’s own burnt offerings and the burnt offerings of the people, to make atonement for oneself and the people.
The fat of the sin offering shall be burned on the altar.
The person who grazes the sheep and returns to Asal shall wash their clothes, wash themselves with water, and then enter the camp.
When the blood of the bull and the goat for the sin offering is brought into the holy place to make atonement, they must be moved outside the camp and burned with fire, including their skin, flesh, and feces.
The person who burns must wash their clothes, wash themselves with water, and then enter the camp.
On the tenth day of the seventh month, you must work hard on your own hearts. Whether you are a native or an outsider residing among you, you must not do any work. This will be an eternal law for you.
Because on this day I will make atonement for you and cleanse you. You shall be cleansed before the Lord and free from all your sins.
On this day, you shall observe it as a holy Sabbath, and afflict your own hearts. This is an eternal law.
The priest who receives the anointing and takes over the ordination from his father shall put on the holy robe of fine linen and perform the act of atonement.
He shall perform the act of atonement in the most holy place, the tabernacle, and the altar, and shall make atonement for the priests and the people of the congregation.
This will be an eternal ordinance for you, to make atonement for all the sins of the Israelites once a year. So Aaron did as the Lord commanded Moses.