圣经 Leviticus Leviticus_Chapter 11

Leviticus_Chapter 11

The Lord said to Moses and Aaron,

Speak to the Israelites, saying, These are the things that are to be eaten among all the beasts of the earth,

You can eat any animal with split hooves and chewed upside down.

But the thing that cannot be eaten by chewing or splitting the hooves is a camel, because chewing without splitting the hooves is unclean to you.

Shafan is unclean to you because he chews without splitting his hooves.

Rabbits are unclean to you because they chew without splitting their hooves.

A pig is unclean to you because its hooves are divided into two parts but it does not chew back.

You shall not eat the flesh of these beasts, and you shall not touch the dead, as they are unclean to you.

These are the things that can be eaten in the water. Anything with wings and scales in the water, sea, or river can be eaten.

All living creatures that swim in the sea, rivers, and all waters, without wings or scales, shall be detestable to you.

These flawless and flawless things are detestable; you shall not eat their flesh, and even the dead shall be detestable.

What is without wings and scales in the water is detestable to you.

Among the birds, what you consider detestable and cannot eat are the eagle, the dog headed eagle, and the red headed eagle,

Harrier, chick and its kind.

Crows and their kind.

Ostrich, Night Eagle, Osprey, Eagle and its kind.

?? Birds, cormorants, owls,

Horned owls, pelicans, bald eagles,

Stork, egret, and its kind, wearing it?? And bats.

All things that have wings and crawl on four feet are to be detestable to you.

But among the things that have wings and crawl on four legs, there are those that have legs and jump on the ground, and you can still eat them.

You can eat locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and their kind, grasshoppers and their kind.

But crawling creatures with wings and four legs, you should all consider them detestable.

These can all make you unclean. Anyone who touches death will be unclean until evening.

Anyone who dies will be unclean until evening and must wash their clothes.

Any beast that splits its hooves into two parts and does not chew it upside down is unclean to you, and anyone who touches it is unclean.

Any four legged beast that walks with its palm is unclean to you, and anyone who touches its corpse will be unclean until evening.

Those who take their corpses shall be unclean until evening and shall wash their clothes. These are unclean to you.

These are the things that crawl on the ground that are unclean to you, weasels,?? Rats, lizards and their related species.

Geckos, dragons, palace guards, snake doctors,?? A fly.

These crawling objects are all unclean to you. After its death, anyone who touches it will be unclean until evening.

If any dead object falls on anything, it will be unclean. Whether it is a wooden object, clothing, leather, or a bag, regardless of the type of vessel used for any work, it must be placed in water and will remain unclean until evening.

If anyone dies and falls into a tile, regardless of what is inside, it will be unclean. You must break this tile.

All the food that can be eaten in it that is soaked in water will be unclean, and everything that can be drunk in such a vessel will also be unclean.

If any of the dead falls on any object, it will be unclean, whether it is a stove or a pot, and it will be broken into pieces. It will be unclean and will also be unclean to you.

But the spring or the pool that gathers water is still clean, but whoever touches the dead is unclean.

If it dies and falls a bit on the seed to be planted, the seed remains clean.

If water has already been poured on the grain and any dead part falls on it, the grain will be unclean to you.

If any beast that you may eat dies and anyone touches it, it will be unclean until evening.

Anyone who eats a dead beast will be unclean until evening and must wash their clothes. Anyone who takes a dead beast will be unclean until evening and must wash their clothes.

Any crawling creature on the ground is detestable and must not be eaten.

You shall not eat anything that walks on the stomach or on four legs, or anything that has many legs, even anything that crawls on the ground, because it is detestable.

Do not make yourself detestable by any crawling object, nor do you make yourself unclean by these things, so that you may become unclean.

I am the Lord your God, so be holy, for I am holy. You shall not defile yourselves with crawling objects on the ground.

I am the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt and will be your God. Therefore, be holy, for I am holy.

This is the regulation for animals, birds, and living creatures swimming in the water, as well as reptiles on the ground.

Distinguish between clean and unclean, edible and inedible living creatures.

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