Leviticus_Chapter 25
The Lord said to Moses on Mount Sinai,
Speak to the Israelites, saying, When you come to the land that I have given you, the land shall keep its rest to the Lord.
Six years to cultivate the fields, repair vineyards, and collect the harvest of the land.
In the seventh year, the land shall observe a holy rest, which is a rest to the Lord. The land shall not be plowed, nor shall vineyards be repaired.
Abandoned crops that grow on their own cannot be harvested, and grape trees that have not been repaired cannot be harvested. This year, the earth shall observe a holy rest.
What the earth produces in the Sabbath year shall be food for you, your servants, maidservants, hired laborers, and strangers.
The local produce of this year will also be used as food for your livestock and the animals on your land.
You need to calculate seven Sabbath years, which is seven or seven years. This will make you seven Sabbath years, a total of forty-nine years.
On the tenth day of the seventh month that year, you must make a loud sound of the horn. This day is the day of redemption, and you must make a sound of the horn throughout the land.
In the fiftieth year, make it a holy year and proclaim freedom to all the inhabitants throughout the land. This year will be your Jubilee, and everyone will return to their own inheritance and to their own house.
The 50th year will be your jubilee. No cultivation is allowed this year, no harvest is allowed for the crops that grow on the ground, and no grapes are harvested from grapes that have not been repaired.
Because this is the year of jubilee, you shall consider it a holy year and eat the fruits of the earth that come out of it.
In this year of jubilee, each of you shall return to your own inheritance.
If you sell something to your neighbors or buy something from their hands, do not let each other suffer losses.
You shall buy from your neighbor according to the number of years after the Jubilee, and he shall also sell you the harvest according to the number of years.
If there are many years, add value according to the number; if there are few years, subtract value according to the number, because he sells it to you according to the amount of harvest.
Do not betray each other, but fear your God, for I am the Lord your God.
You shall follow my laws, and keep my judgments, so that you may dwell in peace on that land.
The land shall yield its harvest, and ye shall eat and be satisfied, and dwell in peace in that land.
If you say, ‘In this seventh year, we will not cultivate or collect our crops, what will we eat?’?
I will give you the blessings that I have commanded in the sixth year, and the land will bear three years of harvest.
In the eighth year, you shall cultivate and eat aged grain. When the harvest comes in the ninth year, you shall eat aged grain.
The land shall not be sold forever, for it is mine, and you are strangers and sojourners before me.
Allow people to redeem the entire land that you have acquired as an inheritance.
If your brother (referring to his own country) gradually becomes poor and sells a portion of his property, his closest relatives will come and redeem what your brother has sold.
If there is nothing that can be redeemed for him, he gradually becomes wealthy and can redeem it,
Just count the years of selling the land, return the remaining value of the years to the buyer, and then return to your own land.
If one cannot retrieve what has been sold for oneself, it shall remain in the hands of the buyer until the year of Jubilee. In the year of Jubilee, the land shall be released from the buyer’s hands, and one shall return to their own land.
If a person sells a dwelling in the city, they can redeem it within one year after selling it, and they will have the power to redeem it throughout the year.
If it is not redeemed within a whole year, the houses in this city will surely belong to the buyer forever, and will be inherited for generations, and will not be held by the buyer in the year of Jubilee.
But in villages without walls, houses should be like fields in the countryside, they can be redeemed, and in the year of Jubilee, they must be sold by the buyer.
However, the Levites may redeem the houses in the cities that they possess at any time.
If a Levite does not redeem the house he has sold, it will be in the city where it was acquired, and in the year of Jubilee it will be sold out to the buyer, because the houses of the Levite’s cities are their inheritance among the Israelites.
But their suburban land cannot be sold, because it is their eternal inheritance.
If your brother gradually becomes poor with you and lacks in your hands, then you must help him, so that he may live with you like an outsider or a stranger.
Do not profit from him, nor demand too much from him, but fear your God and let your brothers dwell with you.
You should not borrow money from him, nor should you ask for more from him.
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan and to be your God.
If your brother gradually becomes poor with you and sells himself to you, do not let him serve you like a servant.
He will serve you like a laborer and a sojourner until the year of Jubilee.
In the year of Jubilee, he and his children will leave you and return together to their own homes, to the inheritance of their ancestors.
For they are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt, and shall not be sold as slaves.
Do not rule over him strictly, but fear your God.
As for your servants and maids, you can buy them from the countries around you.
And the strangers who reside among you and their families, who are born in your land, you may also buy people from them, and they will be your inheritance.
You shall leave them as an inheritance for your descendants, and you shall forever take out your slaves from among them. However, you shall not rule over your brothers Israel with strictness.
If an outsider or a sojourner who resides with you gradually becomes wealthy, but your brothers gradually become poor, they will sell themselves to that outsider, or the sojourner, or the clan of the outsider,
After selling it, you can redeem it. Whether it’s his brothers,
Uncle, Uncle’s son, and close relatives of our family can all redeem him. If he gradually becomes wealthy himself, he can also redeem himself.
He needs to calculate with the buyer, from the year he sold himself until the year of Jubilee, the value of the goods sold will be based on the number of years, like the annual wages of a worker.
If there are many years missing, he must repay his ransom from the purchase price based on the number of years.
If there are only a few years missing in the year of Jubilee, the redemption price should be calculated based on the number of years and the buyer.
He lives with the buyer and should be like a worker hired every year. The buyer should not have strict control over him.
If he is not redeemed like this, he will go out with his children in the year of Jubilee.
Because all the Israelites are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.