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job _Chapter 4

And Eliphaz the Teman answered, saying, If a person wants to talk to you, do you get bored…

And Eliphaz the Teman answered, saying,

If a person wants to talk to you, do you get bored? But who can resist not saying it?

You have always taught many people and have strong and weak hands.

Your words have helped those who are about to fall. You have stabilized the weak knees.

But now that trouble has come upon you, you are unconscious; when you approach you, you are terrified.

Isn’t your reliance based on your reverence for God? Isn’t your hope based on your pure behavior?

Please remember, who perished innocent people. Where should upright people be cut off.

As far as I can see, those who cultivate sin and sow poison reap the same harvest.

When God breathed out his anger, they perished. When God is angry, they disappear.

The roar of lions and the sound of fierce lions have all ceased. The teeth of the young lion have also been knocked out.

The old lion died from hunger strike. The sons of the lioness are also scattered.

I secretly received a suggestion. My ears also hear its subtle sound.

In the night of longing, in the midst of visions, when people are sleeping.

Fear and trembling have come upon me, causing my bones to tremble.

A spirit passed in front of me, and the hairs on my body stood upright.

The spirit stopped, but I couldn’t discern its shape. There is an image in front of me. I heard a voice say in silence,

Can a dying person be more righteous than God? Can a person be cleaner than their creator?

The Lord does not trust his servants and accuses his messengers of foolishness.

Not to mention those who live in earthen houses, rooted in dust and destroyed by beetles?

Sooner or later, it will be destroyed, forever gone and ignored.

Isn’t the rope of his tent pulled out from it? He died without wisdom.


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