首页 job job _Chapter 16

job _Chapter 16

Job replied, “, I have heard a lot of this. You comfort people, but it makes them sa…

Job replied, “,

I have heard a lot of this. You comfort people, but it makes them sad.

Is there an end to the words of emptiness? What is there to provoke you to answer?

I can also say things like yours. If you are in my situation, I will also use words to attack you and shake my head at you.

But I will strengthen you with my mouth, and dispel your sorrows with my mouth.

Although I speak, my sorrow cannot be dispelled. Although I stop speaking, will sorrow leave me?

But now God makes me tired and keeps my family and friends away from me.

Seize me again as a witness against me. My emaciated body also bears witness to my shortcomings in person.

The Lord is angry and tears me apart, persecutes me, and cuts his teeth at me. My enemies glared at me with anger.

They spoke to me, slapped my face and humiliated me, gathered together to attack me.

God handed me over to the ungodly and threw me into the hands of the wicked.

I have always been at ease. He broke me, grabbed my neck, and smashed me. And he set me as his target.

His archers surround me on all sides. He ruptured my heart and showed no mercy, dumping my courage on the ground,

Breaking me apart and again, like a warrior charging towards me.

I sew linen on my skin and place my corners in the dust.

My face turns purple from crying, and there is a shadow of death on my eyelids.

But there is no rape in my hands. My prayer is also clean.

Earth, do not cover my blood. Don’t stop my plea.

Now, there is my witness in heaven, and my mediator in heaven.

My friends mock me, but I shed tears to God.

May people plead with God, just as they plead with friends.

Because in a few years, I will take the path of going without returning.


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