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job _Chapter 31

I make a promise with my eyes, how can I love to see a virgin? What is the division obtain…

I make a promise with my eyes, how can I love to see a virgin?

What is the division obtained from God above, and the inheritance obtained from the Almighty One above?

Isn’t disaster upon the unjust, and disaster upon the workers of iniquity?

Isn’t God observing my path and counting my steps?

If I walk with lies, if my feet follow deceit.

If I am weighed by a fair balance, that God may know my purity.

If my steps deviate from the right path, if my heart follows my eyes, if any stain sticks to my hands.

May what I sow be eaten by others, and what my field produces be uprooted.

If I am deceived and have lustful thoughts towards women, I will crouch outside my neighbor’s door.

May my wife push the mill for others, and others share the same room with her.

Because this is a heinous crime, a crime that the judge should punish.

This is a fire that burns until it is destroyed, and it will uproot all my possessions.

When my servants argue with me, if I despise and do not listen to their plot.

How can I do when God arises? He asked, how can I answer?

What made me in my belly is also made of him, isn’t it? Isn’t it one who kneaded him and me in their stomachs?

If I do not allow the poor to achieve their wishes, or disappoint the widow’s eyes,

Or eat some of my food alone, the orphan didn’t eat with me.

From a young age, orphans grew up with me like father and son. I helped widows from the womb. (Supporting the original text to lead)

If I see a person dying without clothing, or if I see a poor person without a cover.

If I don’t make him warm with the wool of my sheep, bless me.

If I see someone helping me at the city gate, raise up my hand and attack the orphan.

May my shoulder fall off from the missing pelvic bone, and my arm break from the sheep’s sagittal bone.

I am afraid of the calamity that God has brought upon me. Due to his authority, I cannot act recklessly.

If I take gold as my hope and say to fine gold, You are my trust.

If I rejoice in abundance of wealth, and in the abundance of wealth in my hands.

If I see the sun shining and the moon shining in the sky,

My heart is secretly tempted, and my mouth is with my own hands.

This is also the sin that judges should punish, and it is the God I have betrayed.

If I see the retribution of those who hate me, I rejoice; if I see their calamity, I rejoice.

(I did not allow my mouth to sin, cursing his life)

If the people of my tent have not said, Who will not be satisfied with their master’s food?

(I have never accommodated guests to stay on the street, but opened the door to welcome passersby)

If I cover up my sins like Adam, and hide my sins in my arms.

Because of fear of the masses, and because of the contempt of my clan, I was terrified, so that I remained silent and did not leave.

May there be someone willing to listen to me. (See, there is my pledge here. May the Almighty answer me.)

May the petition written by the enemy be with me, and I will carry it on my shoulder and tie it to my head as a crown.

I will tell him the number of my steps, and I will come before him like a king.

If I seize the land, it will cry out to me, and the plow will cry together.

If I do not give value to the output of the land, or if I cause the original owner to die.

May the land grow thistles instead of wheat, and evil grass instead of barley. Job’s words are finished.


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