
job _Chapter 3

Afterwards, Job began to curse his own birthday,

Say, may the day I was born and the night when I said I was pregnant with a male fetus perish.

May that day turn into darkness. May God not search for it from above. May the light not shine upon it.

May darkness and the shadow of death claim that day. May the dense clouds rest on it. May the solar eclipse threaten it.

May that night be taken away by darkness, and not rejoice in the days of the year, nor enter the number of the months.

May that night be barren, and there be no sound of joy in it.

May those who curse the day and provoke crocodiles curse that night.

May the stars of that night’s dawn turn into darkness, hoping for brightness but not brightness, and not seeing the light of the morning.

Because they did not close the door to my pregnancy, nor did they hide trouble from my eyes.

Why didn’t I die from birth. Why don’t you breathe out of your mother’s womb.

Why do knees receive me. Why is there milk feeding me.

Otherwise, I would have already lay down and slept soundly.

And kings and counselors who have rebuilt desolate high places for themselves on the earth.

Or rest with the prince who has gold and fills the house with silver.

Or like a hidden and unexpired fetus, it returns to nothingness, like a baby without light.

There the wicked cease their disturbance, and the weary find rest.

The prisoners were both at ease and did not hear the voice of the supervisor.

The size is all there. Slaves break free from the control of their masters.

Why is light given to those in need? Why is life given to those who are troubled in their hearts?

They longed for death, but could not. Seeking death is better than seeking hidden treasures.

They were overjoyed when they found the tomb.

Why is there light given to a man whose way is hidden, and God has besieged him on all sides?

I sighed before eating. My groaning voice surged out like water.

Because what I fear comes upon me, what I fear welcomes me.

I have no comfort, no peace, no rest, but trouble has come.

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