
job _Chapter 2

One day, the sons of God came and stood before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

The Lord asked Satan, “Where do you come from?”? Satan replied, “I walked back and forth from the ground.”.

The Lord asked Satan, “Have you ever examined my servant Job with your heart?”. There is no one on the earth who is completely upright, revered God, and far from evil. Although you incite me to attack him and destroy him without reason, he still maintains his purity.

Satan answered the Lord, saying, “People replace skin with skin, and are willing to give up everything to preserve their lives.”.

Stretch out your hand and injure his bones and flesh, and he will abandon you to his face.

The Lord said to Satan, “He is in your hands, but keep his life.”.

So Satan retreated from before the Lord and struck Job, causing him to grow poisonous sores from the soles of his feet to his head.

Job sat in the ashes and scraped his body with a tile.

His wife said to him, do you still hold onto your purity? You abandon God and die.

But Job said to her, You speak like a foolish woman. Ah, do we not also suffer misfortune when we receive blessings from God’s hands? Job did not sin with his mouth in all these things.

Job’s three friends Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophaz the Naamahite heard that all these calamities had befallen him. So they went out from their places to mourn and comfort him.

They looked up from a distance and couldn’t recognize him, so they burst into tears. Everyone tore their outer robes and threw dust into the sky, landing on their own heads.

They sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights, without saying a word to him, because he was in extreme pain.

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