
job _Chapter 15

And Eliphaz the Teman answered, saying,

Can a wise man answer with knowledge of emptiness, and fill his belly with an east wind?

How can he use useless words, useless words, and theories?

You are abandoning your reverence and hindering your devout heart in front of God.

Your sins teach your mouth. You choose the tongue of a deceitful person.

Your own words make you guilty, not me. Your own mouth bears witness to your mistakes.

Are you the first person to be born? Have you been created before the mountains?

Have you ever heard the secret decree of God? Do you still exhaust your wisdom alone?

Do you know what we don’t know? Do you understand what we don’t understand?

We have white haired and elderly people here, even older than your father.

God comforts you with gentle words, do you think it’s too small?

Why does your heart force you away. Why do sparks appear in your eyes.

Make your spirit oppose God, and let your mouth speak these words.

What is a person, to be considered clean? What is the birth of a woman, that it can be considered righteous?

God does not trust his saints. In front of him, the sky is also unclean.

How much less those who are filthy and detestable, drinking sins like water?

I instruct you to listen. I want to describe what I have seen.

It is what wise men have received from their ancestors, and it is said without concealment.

This land was only given to them, and no stranger passed through them.

The wicked toil and suffer throughout their lives, and so do the years of the violent.

The sound of fright often lingers in his ears. In times of peace, the plunder will come upon him.

He didn’t believe he could turn back from the darkness, he was waiting with a sword.

He drifted outside seeking food, saying, Where is there food? He knew the dark days were prepared by his side.

Difficulties and difficulties make him afraid, and he overcomes him, just like a king preparing to go to battle.

He reached out his hand to attack God, attacking the Almighty with pride.

With a stiff neck and the thick convex surface of a shield, charge straight towards the Almighty.

It’s because his face is covered with fat, and his waist has accumulated fat.

He once lived in a desolate city, uninhabited, with houses piled up in disorder.

He shall not be wealthy, his wealth shall not continue, and his inheritance shall not increase on the earth.

He cannot leave the darkness. The flames are going to dry his branches. Because of the breath of God’s mouth, he will go to destruction.

He does not need to rely on falsehood to deceive himself, for falsehood will become his retribution.

Before his time comes, this will be accomplished. His branches are not green.

He will be like the grapes of the vine, unripe and falling. Like the flowers of an olive tree, they bloom and wither.

It turns out that those who are not devout will have no children. The tents of those who take bribes will be set on fire.

What they harbor is poison, what they bear is sin, and what their hearts prepare is deceit.

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