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job _Chapter 39

Do you know when the wild goats in the mountains will produce? Can you observe the period …

Do you know when the wild goats in the mountains will produce? Can you observe the period when the mother deer calves?

Can you count the number of months they are pregnant? Can you know when they will be produced?

They bend down, give birth to their offspring, and then remove the pain.

This person is gradually gaining weight and growing up in the wilderness, leaving without returning.

Who sets the wild donkey free. Who unties the fast donkey’s rope.

I have made the wilderness its dwelling place, and the salty land its dwelling place.

It mocks the noise in the city and does not listen to the cheers of the livestock.

The whole mountain is its grassland. It searches for all kinds of green and green things.

How will a bison serve you. Would you rather live next to your trough.

How can you use a rope to cage a bison between plows. It will not rake the valley with you.

Do not rely on it for its strength. How can you entrust your work to it?

Can you trust it to bring your grain to your home and gather the grain from your threshing floor?

The wings of ostriches spread out joyfully, are they the feathers and feathers that show mercy?

Because it leaves the eggs on the ground, making them warm in the dust.

But I never imagined being kicked to pieces or trampled on by wild beasts.

It has the heart to wait for its young, as if it is not its own. Although they suffer hardship, they do not fear the young.

Because God deprived it of wisdom and did not bestow it with understanding.

When it stands up and spreads its wings, it mocks horses and riders.

Is the strength of the horse bestowed upon you? On its neck?? Did you drape your mane over it?

Did you call it jumping like a locust? Its jet power is terrifying.

It plows the ground in the valley, enjoying its power. It goes out to welcome people wearing weapons.

It mocks terrifying things without fear, nor does it retreat from the sword.

The quiver and shiny spear, along with the short spear, clanked on it.

It swallowed the ground with a fierce anger. I can’t stand up at the sound of a horn.

Every time the horn makes a sound, it says haha. It smelled the war from a distance, heard the commander thundering loudly, and the soldiers shouting.

Is it through your wisdom that eagles and sparrows fly, spreading their wings all the way south?

Is it at your command that the eagle soars up high and builds its nest?

It lives in the mountains and rocks, with peaks and sturdy places as its home,

Peering at the food from there, watching from afar with eyes.

Its chicks also suck blood. Where is the person who was killed. It’s also there.


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