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job _Chapter 38

At that time, the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind, saying, Who uses ignorant words to…

At that time, the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind, saying,

Who uses ignorant words to make my will obscure and unclear.

You must tie your waist like a warrior. I ask you, you can instruct me.

Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? If you are smart, just say it.

If you know, who set the scale for the land? Who pulled the guide line on it?

Where is the foundation of the earth placed? Who placed the corner stones of the earth?

At that time, the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God cheered.

When seawater rushes out like a fetal cell, who will shut it down?

I use clouds as my clothes for the sea, and darkness as my cloth to wrap around it,

Set boundaries for it, and install doors and bolts,

Say, you can only come here and not cross over. Your arrogant waves need to stop here.

Since your birth, you have destined the morning light to know its place.

May this light illuminate the four poles of the earth, driving out the wicked from among them?

Due to this light, the ground changes like imprints on mud, and all things appear like clothes.

The light does not shine on the wicked, and their strong arms will break.

Have you ever entered the sea source or walked in the hidden depths of the abyss?

Has the door of death ever revealed to you? Have you ever seen the door of the shadow of death?

Can you see through the vastness of the land? If you know everything, just say it.

Where does the dwelling of light come from? Where is the origin of darkness?

Can you bring it to this realm and see its path?

You always know that because you were already born in this world, your days are also many.

You have entered a snowbank. Have you ever seen a hail chamber?

This snow and hail is what I have prepared for the days of disaster, war, and war.

Where does the light separate? Where does the east wind scatter everywhere?

Who divides the way for rainwater? Who opens the way for lightning?

Make rain fall on an uninhabited wilderness.

Make the desolate and desolate land abundant, and green grass grow.

Does Rain have a Father? Who gave birth to dewdrops?

From whose womb does ice originate? Who gave birth to the frost in the sky?

The waters are hard (or hidden) like stones, and the surface of the abyss condenses into ice.

Can you tie the knot of the Pleiades? Can you untie the band of the ginseng star?

Can you claim the Twelve Palaces on time? Can it guide the Beidou and its accompanying stars?

Do you know the rules of heaven? Can the land be placed under the authority of heaven?

Can you raise your voice to the clouds, so that the pouring rain can cover you?

You can emit lightning, call it to go, make it say to you, we are here.

Who holds wisdom in their arms? Who gives intelligence to the heart?

Who can use wisdom to count clouds? Dust gathers into clusters, and the soil clumps tightly together. At that time, who could dump the bottles in the sky?

The mother lion crouched in the cave, while the young lion lay in hiding. Can you grab food for them and make them full?

The chicks of crows fly back and forth without food, crying out to God. At that time, who prepared food for it?


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