
Jeremiah_Chapter 11

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying,

Listen to the words of this covenant and tell the Jews and the residents of Jerusalem,

And he said to them, This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: Cursed be those who do not listen to the words of this covenant.

This is what I commanded your ancestors on the day they were brought out of the land of Egypt and freed from the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice and do all that I commanded you. So you will become my people, and I will also be your God.

I will firmly swear to your ancestors to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, just as it is today. I answered, O Lord, Amen.

The Lord said to me, “Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, and obey and do the words of this covenant.”.

For from the day I brought your ancestors out of the land of Egypt until this day, I rose up early and earnestly warned them, saying, Obey my voice.

But they did not listen, did not tilt their ears, and instead followed their own stubborn disgust. So I have brought upon them all the curses of this covenant. I commanded them to do this covenant, but they refused to do it.

The Lord said to me, ‘There is conspiracy and betrayal among the people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.’.

They turned to imitate their ancestors, refused to listen to my words, committed sins and sins, and followed other gods and served them. The house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken the covenant I made with their ancestors.

Therefore thus says the Lord, I will bring disaster upon them, which they cannot escape. They will cry to me, but I will not listen.

At that time, the people of the cities of Judah and the residents of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the God whom they offer incense to. But when they are in trouble, these gods do not save them at all.

Judah, the number of your gods is equal to the number of your cities. The altar you built to burn incense for that shameful Baal is equal in number to the streets of Jerusalem.

So do not pray for this people, do not cry or pray for them. When they cry to me in distress, I will not answer.

What are you doing in my temple, my beloved, because you have committed many debauchery and your holy flesh has left you? You are happy when you do evil.

Once the Lord named you the Green Olive Tree, which is beautiful and produces good fruit. Now with a loud roar, he ignited the fire on it, and the branches were also broken.

For the Lord of hosts, who nurtured you, has said, I will bring disaster against you because the house of Israel and the house of Judah have done evil, burning incense to Baal and provoking me to anger. It is my own doing.

The Lord has instructed me, and I will know. Please indicate to me what they have done.

But I was led to the slaughter like a gentle lamb. I didn’t know they were plotting to harm me. They said, let’s destroy the trees and even the fruits. Cut him off from the land of the living, so that his name may no longer be remembered.

O Lord of hosts, who judges with righteousness and tests the heart and soul, I will see you avenging them, for I have revealed my cause to you.

Therefore, this is what the Lord says about the people of Anathoth who are seeking your life: They say, Do not prophesy in the name of the Lord, lest you die in our hands.

Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, See, I will punish them. Their young men will be killed by the sword, and their children will perish due to famine,

And there are no remaining people left for them. For in the year of punishment, I will bring disaster upon the people of Anathoth.

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