
Jeremiah_Chapter 10

O house of Israel, listen to the word of the Lord that he has spoken to you.

Thus says the Lord, Do not follow the ways of the nations, nor be dismayed by the heavens, for the nations are dismayed by this matter.

The customs of the people are void. They use axes to cut down a tree in the forest, and craftsmen create idols by hand.

They adorned it with gold and silver, nailed it firmly with nails and hammers, so that it would not shake.

It’s like a palm tree, made of wood, unable to speak or walk, and must be carried by someone. Don’t be afraid of it. It cannot bring disaster, nor can it bring blessings.

O Lord, there is no one like you. You were originally big, with a great and powerful reputation.

O kings of all nations, who does not fear you. It is appropriate to revere you. For among the wise men of the nations, even though they have the honor of a regime, they cannot be compared to you.

They are all livestock and ignorant. What is the teachings of idols? Idols are nothing but wood.

Silver was beaten into pieces, brought from Tashi, and gold from Ufa, all by the hands of craftsmen and silversmiths, and clothing made of blue and purple materials, all of which were the work of skilled craftsmen.

But the Lord is the true God, the living God, and the eternal king. When he became angry, the earth shook. When he becomes angry, no country can bear it.

This is what you must say to them: It is not the God who created heaven and earth, but he will be destroyed from above and under heaven.

The Lord created the earth with his power, established the world with his wisdom, and spread out the heavens with his understanding.

As soon as he spoke, there was much excitement in the air. He caused clouds and mist to rise from the ends of the earth. He made electricity that flashed with the rain, bringing out the wind from his treasury.

Everyone has become a beast without any knowledge. Every silversmith is ashamed of his carved idols. The idols he cast were originally false, with no breath in them,

All are meaningless, it’s a confusing job. When pursued, it will be eradicated.

Jacob’s portion is not like these, because he is the creator of all things. Israel is also a tribe of his inheritance, and the Lord of hosts is his name.

O besieged, gather your possessions and take them out of the land.

For thus says the Lord, At this time, I will cast out the inhabitants of this place like a string, and will inflict harm upon them, to make them aware.

The people say, what a disaster. I am injured. My scars are extremely severe. But I said, this is really my pain, I must endure it.

My tent is destroyed. My rope has broken. My children have left me and gone. No one will set up my tent again, hang up my curtains.

Because shepherds have become livestock and have not sought the Lord, they cannot go smoothly. Their flocks are also scattered.

There is a sound of wind. Look, the enemy is here. A great disturbance came out from the north, to make the cities of Judah desolate and a dwelling place for wild dogs.

O Lord, I know that a man’s path is not determined by himself, and those who walk by cannot set their own steps.

O Lord, punish me leniently; do not punish me in your anger, for I may be destroyed.

May your anger be poured out on the nations that do not know you, and on the nations that do not call upon your name. Because they swallowed Jacob, not only did they swallow him, but they also destroyed him and turned his dwelling into a wasteland.

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