
Jeremiah_Chapter 5

Run back and forth in the streets of Jerusalem, search for a wide place, and see if there is anyone who practices righteousness and seeks truth. If there is, I will pardon this city.

Although some of them swear by the living Lord, their oath is truly false.

O Lord, are not your eyes focused on honesty? You hit them, but they didn’t mourn. You destroy them, but they still go unpunished. They make their faces harder than rocks, unwilling to turn back.

I say, These people are truly poor and foolish, because they do not know the works of the Lord and the laws of their God.

I will go to see the great people and speak to them, because they know the works of the Lord and the laws of their God. Unexpectedly, these people united in breaking the yoke and breaking the ropes.

Therefore, the lions in the forest will kill them. The wolves in the wilderness will destroy them at night. The leopard is going to watch over them outside the city. Anyone who leaves the city will be torn to pieces. Because of their numerous sins, their apostasy has also increased.

How can I pardon you? Your children have abandoned me and sworn by those who are not gods. I satisfied them, and they committed adultery, gathering in groups in the homes of prostitutes.

They ran around like fed horses, hissing at his neighbor’s wife.

The Lord said, Will I not punish for these things? Why not retaliate against such a citizen?

You shall go up to the walls of her vineyard and destroy it, but you shall not destroy it completely, but you shall remove her branches, for they do not belong to the Lord.

For the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt deceitfully against me. This is what the Lord has said.

They do not recognize the Lord, saying, This is not him, and evil will not come to us. Swords and famine, we cannot see either.

The words of the prophet will become wind. Dao is not among them either. This disaster will come upon them.

Therefore thus says the Lord God of hosts, Because the people speak these words, I will make my words fire in your mouth, And make them wood. This fire will burn them out.

The Lord said, O house of Israel, I will send a nation from afar to attack you; it is a strong nation, a nation that has existed since ancient times. You don’t know their words, you don’t understand their words.

Their arrow bags are open graves. They are all warriors.

They will eat up your crops and your food, which is what your children should eat. I will eat up your cattle and sheep, your grapes and figs. And he will destroy the fortified city in which you trust with the sword.

Even then, declares the Lord, I will not completely destroy you.

If the people say, Why does the Lord our God do all these things to us? Then say to them, As you have abandoned me and served foreign gods in your land, so will you serve foreigners in land that is not yours.

When it is preached in Jacob’s house and reported in Judah,

O foolish and ignorant people, if you have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, now hear these words.

The Lord said, Why are you not afraid of me? I have set an eternal rule, using sand as the boundary of the sea, and water cannot cross it. So, aren’t you still trembling in front of me? Although the waves churn, they cannot be crossed. Although?? Roaming, but unable to pass.

But this people have a rebellious and rebellious heart. They betrayed me and left,

And he said not in his heart, We should fear the Lord our God. He gives us rain on time, which is autumn rain and spring rain, and sets the harvest season for us, which will never be abolished.

Your sins have turned these things away from you. Your sins prevent you from being blessed.

Because there are wicked people among my people. They lay in ambush to spy, like bird catchers. They set up traps to trap and harm people.

No matter how the cage is filled with birds, their houses are still full of deceit. So they have to become big and wealthy.

They are fat and smooth, have done too much evil, and do not seek justice from others. Not seeking justice for orphans, not making them prosperous, and not defending the poor.

The Lord said, Will I not punish for these things? Why not retaliate against such a citizen?

There are terrifying and detestable things in the country,

It is the prophets who prophesy falsely, and the priests hold power through them. My people also love these things. What will you do in the end?

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