
Jeremiah_Chapter 14

The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah concerning the calamity of drought,

Judah mourns, the city gates decline. Everyone dressed in black and sat on the ground. The mournful cry of Jerusalem is rising.

Their nobles sent their servants to fetch water. They arrived at the pool and saw that there was no water. They took empty vessels, felt ashamed and ashamed, and hugged their heads and returned.

Even those who cultivate land are ashamed and embrace their heads. Because there is no rain falling on the ground, the ground is dry and cracked.

The mother deer in the field gave birth to young deer and abandoned them because there was no grass.

The wild donkey stood on a clear high ground, panting like a wild dog. Because there is no grass, my eyes are blind.

O Lord, even though our iniquities bear witness against us, let us act for the sake of your name. We have repeatedly betrayed and offended you.

O Israel, who hopes to be his savior in times of trouble, why are you like a sojourner in this land, or like a traveler who only stays overnight?

Why are you like a frightened person, like a warrior who cannot save others? O Lord, you are still among us. We are also known as people under your name, please do not leave us.

This is what the Lord says to this people: They love to wander and do not stop their footsteps, so the Lord does not accept them. Remember their sins now, and pursue their sins.

And the Lord said to me, Do not pray for the good of this people.

When they fast, I don’t listen to their cries. They offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, but I am not pleased to accept them. But I will exterminate them with the sword, famine, and plague.

I just said, sigh. O Lord GOD, those prophets always say to them, You will not see the sword, nor will you suffer famine. The Lord will give you everlasting peace in this place.

The Lord said to me, ‘I did not send or command the prophets who prophesied falsely in my name, nor did I speak to them.’. What they prophesied to you was false visions and divination, as well as nothingness and deceit in their own hearts.

Therefore thus says the Lord, As for the prophets who prophesied in my name, I did not send them. They also said that there can be no famine by the sword in this land, but in fact, those prophets will be destroyed by the famine by the sword.

The people who hear their prophecies will be thrown into the streets of Jerusalem by famine with swords, and there will be no one to bury them. They even have wives and children like this. I will pour out their evil upon them.

You shall say these words to them, May my tears run down my face, day and night never cease, for my people, the virgin of the people, have suffered great wounds from the breach and destruction.

If I go out into the field, I will see someone killed by a knife. If I enter the city, I will see someone who is sick due to famine. Even the prophets and priests traveling through the land have no knowledge.

Have you completely abandoned Judah? Do you despise Zion in your heart? Why hit us so hard that we cannot be cured? We hope for peace, but we do not benefit from it. I hoped to recover, but unexpectedly, I was frightened.

O Lord, we acknowledge our sins and the sins of our ancestors, because we have sinned against you.

For the sake of your name, do not despise us, and do not disgrace the throne of your glory. Please remember, do not break the agreement you made with us.

Is there anyone among the vain gods of the Gentiles who can rain? Can the heavens bring rain upon themselves? O Lord our God, isn’t it you who can do this? So, we will still wait for you, because all of this is what you have created.

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